Cricketer Of The Year
South Australian Manager Brendon Goff has been through the SA squad and has narrowed down the safe list a bit further, the following players will be made available to trade or will be released....
N.Adcock ( Bat Ave of 26 in both forms)
B.Higgins (Bat Ave of 32 in 4D)
J.Vaughan (Bat Ave of 33 in 4D)
Also may take offers for...
B.Young (Bat Ave 30, 42 overs/game, S/R 77)
B.Swain (32 overs/game, S/R 62)
P.Wilson (37 overs/game, S/R 71)
P.Rofe (38 overs/game, S/R 60)
Also have DP's for trade...
Please make an offer....
N.Adcock ( Bat Ave of 26 in both forms)
B.Higgins (Bat Ave of 32 in 4D)
J.Vaughan (Bat Ave of 33 in 4D)
Also may take offers for...
B.Young (Bat Ave 30, 42 overs/game, S/R 77)
B.Swain (32 overs/game, S/R 62)
P.Wilson (37 overs/game, S/R 71)
P.Rofe (38 overs/game, S/R 60)
Also have DP's for trade...
Please make an offer....