My name is Suleman Modan. I'm from Durban, South Africa. I have these cricket
Memoribilia available !!!
If you need to know anything about these item's, Feel free to mail me on :
My number to contact me is as follow's : +27 83 786 5211
I enclose a list of item's I have available at present , With their prices . ect ect
Herewith the list of cricket card 's and odd memorabilia items I have available of deceased and living Test cricketers, plus memorabilia.
(nb P=Pencil). All items are in good condition (unless so marked) although some are rare and old
E&OE (some items requested by you might be sold and not deducted from lists, for which I apologise. I try to keep up to date each fortnight but errors may creep in)
Each $50
LC Braund; George Gunn; S Haigh (P); JW Hearne (P); GH Hirst; GH Hirst (P); JW Hitch; JB Hobbs, CP Mead; CP Mead (P); H Strudwick (P); FE Woolley.
Each $45
MJC Allom x2; LEG Ames; J Arnold ; WE Astill, W Barber; CJ Barnett ; W Bowes; EH Bowley; FR Brown; DCSCompton; EW Dawson ; A Ducat; G Duckworth; FJ Durston; WJ Edrich; WJ Edrich (P); PGH Fender x3 ; LB Fishlock x 2; G Geary x2; TW Goddard (P); A Gover; HTW Hardinge; HWT Hardinge (P); J Hardstaff Jr.; EP Hendren; ERT Holmes; P Holmes ; L Hutton x2; WW Keeton; AS Kennedy (P); Jas.Langridge x2; WHV Levett x5; M Leyland x3; FT Mann, TB Mitchell x4; NS Mitchell-Innes; MS Nichols; N Oldfield; CW L Parker (P); JH Parks; Harry Parks (Sussex); E Paynter; IAR Peebles x2; W Place, WFF Price; HD Read x2; RWV Robins; A Sandham; JM Sims; RA Sinfield x2; R Sinfield (P); Denys Smith (1935);H Sutcliffe x2; DCHTownsend x 2; LF Townsend; GE Tyldesley; BH Valentine x2; W Voce; CF Walters; L L Wilkinson, A Wood; S Worthington; DVP Wright; RES Wyatt x 2; NWD Yardley
Each $ 40
H Alexander; AG Chipperfield ; L Darling; EL McCormick; H Nitschke (p), LP O'Brien; K Rigg; T Wall.
Each $ 50
G Allsop (manager SA team in England, 1912); AVC Bissett (toured Eng 1901-no Tests); A Dave Nourse (P); SJPegler ; HW Taylor.
Each $ 45
XC Balaskas x4; RH Catterall; RJ Crisp; SH Curnow ; ELDalton; RL Harvey; R Grieveson; A Melville; B Mitchell ; ES Newson; AD Nourse; EP Nupen; HG Owen-Smith x2; HLE Promnitz; EAB Rowan ; IJ Siedle; DS Tomlinson; K Viljoen; CL Vincent, W W Wade
Each $ 45
J Cowie ; EW Dempster; MP Donnelly; DL Freeman; Sir J Newman; G L Weir; P Whitelaw
Each $ 45
ALS Birkett (WI) ; FJ Cameron (WI); J Cameron (WI); CB Clarke (WI); Jehangir Khan (India); DD Hindlekar (p) (India); T Johnson (WI); CS Nayudu; C Ramaswami (India); JED Sealy (WI); JB Stollmeyer (WI); K Weekes; EAV Williams x2.
Each $ 40
D Bairstow x2; C Balderstone; H J Butler; LColdwell; C Cook; MC Cowdrey; J Crapp; H E Dollery; GM Emmett; TG Evans x3; J Flavell x2 ; C Gladwin x2; SC Griffith; MJ Hilton; R Howorth; R Jenkins; D Kenyon x2; JC Laker x2; GAR Lock; FG Mann; Jack W Martin; PBH May x3; C Milburn x2; G Parkhouse; W Place; R Pollard x2; G Pope x3; CJ Poole; RT Spooner x2; JB Statham; MF Tremlett; J Robertson x3; W Slack; JH Wardle; A Wharton x 2; W Watson; D White; JA Young x2.
Each $ 40
P Burge; JW Burke; M Harvey; D Hookes; GRA Langely; K Mackay (p) ; JWMartin; J Moroney x2; B Shepherd
Each $ 35
J E Cheetham x2; GWA Chubb; WJ Cronje; D V Dyer ; GM Fullerton x3; C G Halse x2; M Hanley; TA Harris; H J Keith x2; JD Lindsay x2; C McCarthy x2 ; DJ McGlew ; NBF Mann; PNF Mansell x3; LA Markham; ARA Murray; L Payn (1947 tour-no Tests); J Plimsoll x3; AMB Rowan; HJ Tayfield; K A Walter
Each $ 35
Aftab Gul (Pak); E Atkinson (WI); JE F Beck (NZ): W Bell (NZ); C Burke (NZ) x2; T Burtt (NZ); LA Butterfield (NZ); S Clarke (WI); CC De Peiza(WI); RB Desai (India); RV Divecha (India); HB Cave (NZ) x2; FE Fisher (NZ); CV Gadkari (India); JDC Goddard (WI); Ghulam Ahmed; BP Gupte (India); PGZ Harris (NZ); Sir CC Hunte (WI) ; KS Indrajitsinhji (India); ML Jaisimha (India); S Jeganathan (SriLanka); P Jones (WI); PG Joshi (India); Khan Mohammad (Pak); Mathias Wallis (Pak); T Madondo (Zim) x5; M Marshall (WI) x3; R E Marshall (WI) x2; LSM Miller (NZ) x2; Miram Bux (Pak); A Moir (NZ) x3; F Mooney (NZ); R S Modi (India); Nazar Mohammad (Pak); GWF Overton (NZ); S Nyalchand (India); CT Patankar (India); EC Petrie (NZ); L Pierre (WI); N Puna (NZ); CR Rangchari (India); A Roberts (NZ); AT Roberts (WI); A Roy (India); Pankaj Roy (India); CT Sarwate (India); RH Scott (NZ); I Sinclair (NZ); CK Singh (WI); C Snedden (NZ) x2; SW Sohoni (India); FB Smith (NZ); V Stollmeyer (WI); NS Tamhane (India); A Valentine (WI); L Watt (NZ).
# Post card size B & W #C Post card size Colour + small head & shoulders
~ small action
Each $ 50
+ GO Allen; + MJC Allom; LEG Ames; LEG Ames (cig card); ~ CJ Barnett; * F R Brown; # A E Fagg; + LB Fishlock ; + A Gover ; + EP Hendren;J Hardstaff jr. (cig card); # J Hardstaff Jr; L Hutton (h&s); WHV Levett; #c T Mitchell; T Mitchell (cig card); + N Oldfield ; # HD Read; # R A Sinfield ; + # R Wyatt.
Each $ 50
# XC Balaskas; # RJ Crisp; RL Harvey; # R E Grieveson; # RE Grieveson; # RE Grieveson; + A Melville; # EAB Rowan; + EAB Rowan; IJ Siedle (action); ~ KJ Viljoen .
Each $ 50
# J Cameron (WI); JB Stollmeyer (WI); # KH Weekes (WI).
Each $ 50
ENGLAND: + D Bairstow ; MC Cowdrey (action); TG Evans; # C Gladwin; ~ R Jenkins; # D Kenyon ; #C PBH May; ~ C Milburn; #W Place; + TPB Smith; ~ RT Spooner; W Watson; #JA Young.
AUSTRALIA: ~ JW Burke ; D Hookes; # G Langley; GR Thoms.
SOUTH AFRICA: # JE Cheetham; + DV Dyer ; GM Fullerton +; #C G Halse: M Hanley; + TA Harris ; + JD LIndsay ; CN McCarthy; # DJ McGlew ; # PNF Mansell ; # PNF Mansell ; LA Markham; # ARA Murray; J Plimsoll, # AMB Rowan; W W Wade' K A Walter
WEST INDIES: D ATkinson; ~RE Marshall; # L Pierre
INDIA: # RB Desai ; + PG Joshi
ZIMBABWE: #c T Madondo x4
1-day (played limited-overs matches only).
Each $8
c = colour; otherwise black & white; h&s = head and shoulders
c CAdams; c JP Agnew; DA Allen; c DL Amiss; K Andrew; c PJW Allott; c PJW Allott (h& s); c M Atherton;c CWJ Athey; c R Bailey; c J Benjamin; M Benson (action); c M Benson; R Berry x2 ; J Birkenshaw; c IT Botham; c BC Broad; c BC Broad; D Brookes; A Brown; DJ Brown; c RO Butcher; c A Caddick; c DJ Capel; c DJ Capel (action); c JH Childs; c JH Childs (h& s); NGC Cook; c D Cork; c R Dawson; c P de Freitas; c P de Freitas; B D'Oliveira; c P Downton; c RM Ellison; c J Emburey; c NH Fairbrother; c KWR Fletcher; c A Flintoff; c NA Foster; c ARC Fraser; ARC Fraser (action); TW Graveney; c G Hamilton; c R Harmison; c FC Hayes; c EE Hemmings; c G Hick; K Higgs; M Horton; c N Hussain; c Richard Illingworth; c M Ilott; c RD Jackman; HL Jackson; c P Jarvis; c P Jarvis (h &s); c M Lathwell; c DV Lawrence; P Lever; cN Mallender;c D Maddy; c PJ Martin; G Millman; c H Morris; A Moss; c M Moxon; c T Munton; P Newport; K Palmer; P H Parfitt; c DR Pringle; G Pullar; NV Radford; C Read; G Roope; c I Salisbury; K Shuttleworth; c A Sidebottom; c CEW Silverwood , c G Small; c CL Smith; David Smith; c J Stephenson; c R Subba Row; R Tattersall; R Tattersall (action); c R Taylor; c VP Terry; c G Thorpe; M Vaughan; PM Walker; JJWarr; c SL Watkin; c M Watkinson; c JJ Whitaker; c C White; c RA Woolmer
N Bracken (1-day), c M di Venito (1-day), K Eastwood; E Freeman; c D Gilchrist; c BJ Haddin (1-day); c I J Harvey (1-day); B Lee; c M Love ; c S MacGilll; c A J MacKay (1-day); c A Noffki (1-day), c B Reid; c W Seccombe (1-day); c A Stuart (1-day); D Whatmore; c K Wright, B Young
c HD Ackerman; c P R Adams; NAT Adcock; c Adam Bacher x2; Ali Bacher; H D Bromfield; c M Boucher; c D Callaghan; P R Carlstein; GA Chevalier; c J Commins x 3; c D Crookes x2; c D Cullinan; c PS de Villiers; c PS de Villiers; c H Boeta Dippenaar; c AA Donald; RG Draper; CAR Duckworth; J Du Preez; c S Elworthy; JP Fellows-Smith; EHR Fuller; KJ Funston; D Gamsy (h&s), D Gamsy (action); H Gibbs, TL Goddard; c Andrew Hall ; c M Hayward; PS Heine; O Henry; c AC Hudson; DEJ Ironside; S Jack; c JH Kallis x2; J Kemp; c C Langeveldt (1-day); c G Liebenberg; c G Kirsten; c PN Kirsten; c Louis Koen (1-day); c RA McLean; c N McKenzie; c C Matthews (action); c C Matthews; c Andre Nel; Jack Nel; c M Ngam; c M Ntini; c M Ntini (action); c M Ntini (h &s); S O'Linn; S Palframan; S Pollock; J E Pothecary; c A Prince; c M Pringle (h&s); M Pringle (h&s); c c RF Pienaar; c D Pretorius; c D Richardson; c Jacques Rudolph; M Rushmere; BN Schultz; c T Shaw (1-day); c E Simons (1-day; current SA coach); c Graeme Smith; VI Smith (action); VI Smith (h& s); PJR Steyn; PC Strydom x2 ; PL Symcox; R Telemachus (1-day); D Terbrugge (h&s) c D Terbrugge (action); D Terbrugge (action); L Tuckett; CB van Ryneveld; JHB Waite; C Wesley; c H Williams (1-day), c C Willoughby; M Zondeki.
c J Adams; c C E L Ambrose; c K L Arthurton; c E Baptiste; c E Baptiste; E Baptiste; c C Baugh jnr; W Benjamin; c C Best (h&s); C Best (action); c I Bishop; M Black, c C O Browne; c S Campbell; c W Daniel; c M Dillon (action);c M Dillon (action); c M Dillon (action); F Edwards; c D Ganga; c Gayle; c O Gibson; c G Greenidge; c AGriffith; c A Griffith (h&s); c R A Harper; J Hendriks; c R I C Holder; VA Holder; DAJ Holford; c R Jacobs; c K Jeremy (1-day); c AKallicharran (h&s); c A Kallicharran (action); c C Lambert (h&s); c C Lambert (action); c B Lara; PD Lashley; c AL Logie; c N McLean (h&s); c N McLean (h&s); c D Mohammad; D L Murray (small b &w) ; c Junior Murray; M Nagamootoo; c S Nurse; D Parry; P Patterson; c F Reiffer (h&s); c F Reiffer (h&s); L Roberts (1999); c F Rose (h&s); c F Rose (h&s); M Samuels, c Sarwan; c P Simmons; c Dwayne Smith; S (Charlie) Stayers (small b&w); c A Stanford; c C Stuart; B Thompson; c P Wallace (h& s); c P Wallace (h&s); c P Wallace (h&s); c D Williams.
c N Astle; c M D Bell; c Grant Bradburn; M Burgess (sm b&w); c C Cairns; B Congdon; c JV Coney; c H Davis; c H Davis (h&s); c B Edgar; c B Edgar (action); EJ Gray; c M Greatbatch; c M Greatbatch (h & s); AH Jones; c C Z Harris; c M Hart; J A Hayes (sm h &s); c M Horne; H Howarth (sm b &w); GP Howarth; c G Larsen; c D Loveridge; c Hamish Marshall; c Chris Martin; D Morrison; D Murray (small h& s); c D Nash; c S O'Connor; c M Owens; c A Parore; c DN Patel; c S Penn (1-day); J Parker; c B Pocock; GO Rabone (action); c M Richardson; c K Rutherford (action); c K Rutherford (action); c M Sinclair; c I S D Smith (sm col); c G Sulzberger (1-day); c SA Thomson; G Vivian (h&s);G Vivian (action); c D Vettori; M Wallace; c K Walmesley; c B Walker; c W Watson; DJ White; c Jeff Wilson (1-day, double-international; also All Black rugby); c J Wright; c B Young.
c A Agarkar; P Amre; c Ajay Sharma; Kirti Azad ; M Azharuddin; AA Baig ; c RV Bharadwaj; c R Dravid; c AD Gaekwad ; C DGhandi; c Hanumant Singh; c Harbajahn Singh; c AJ Jadeja; c K Jayantilal; c HH Kanitkar; Madan Lal; c Maninder Singh; AV Mankad; Mushtaq Ali; c MSK Prasad; c V Rathore; c R P Singh (1-day); c R Shastri ; c L Sivaramakrishnan; c K Skrikkanth; c K Skrikkanth (action); J Srinath; S Venkataraghavan; AL Wadekar.
c Aamer Nazir; c Aqib Javed (h&s); c Aqib Javed; Asif Massod; c Asif Mujtaba; c Ata-ur-Rehman; Azhar Khan; c Azhar Mahmood; c Hassan Raza; Humajun Farhat; c Ijaz Ahmed (junior); c Kabir Khan; Mohammad Ilyas (sm b&w); c Mohammad Akram; c Mohsin Kamal; c Moin Khan; c Muhammad Zahid; c Mujahid Jamshed; c Mustaq Mohammad; c Nadeem Khan; c Rameez Raja; c Rashid Latief; c Rizwan-Uz-Zaman; c Salim Jaffer; c Saqlain Mustaq; Sarfraz Nawaz (sm b& w); c Shadab Kabir; c Shadab Kabir; c Shahid Nazir; c Shoaib Mohammad; c Taufeeq Umar; Tauseef Ahmed; c Wasim Bari; c Zahoo Elahi .
c K Dharmesena; c PA de Silva ; c A Gurusinghe; A Gurusinghe; c C Hathurasinghe; c DPM Jayawardene ; c DBS Kuruppu ; R Madugalle; RS Mahanama; c SA Perera ; c A Ranatunga; c S Ranatunga (sm H&s); R Ratanyake; E Upashanta; E Wijesuriya
c G A Briant (sm h &s); c A Campbell; c S Carlisle; K G Duers (1-day); D Ebrahim; A Ervine; c C Evans; A Friend; c T Gripper; D Hondo; D L Houghton; c W James; c N Johnson; c D Marilllier; L Nkala; S Matsenkenyere; V Sibanda
c Al-Shahriar Rokon; c Alok Kapali; c Habibul Bashar; c Javed Omar; c Hannan Sarkar; c Khaled Mashud; c Khaled Mahmud; c Manjural Islam; c Mohammed Rafique; c Tapash Baisya; c Rafiqal Islam; c Sanwar Hossain; c Tushar Imran; c Tulhar Jubair; c Anwar Hossain
Each $ 4
C Adams; JP Agnew; DA Allen; K Andrew x2 ; R Appleyard; GG Arnold; MA Atherton; W Athey; R Bailey; TE Bailey; GD Barlow x2 ; K Barnett; RW Barber x2; AV Bedser; M Benson; R Berry; M Bicknell x2; J Birkenshaw x2; JB Bolus; R Blakey; IT Botham; G Boycott; JM Brearley; D Brookes; Alan Brown; Alistair Brown; AD Brown; J Brown; S Brown; A Butcher; R O Butcher; ACaddick; DJ Capel, DB Carr; T Cartwright x 2; JH Childs; DB Close; NGB Cook, G Cook, G Cope; R Cottam; RG Cowans; C Cowdrey; K Cranston; J Crawley; RDP Croft; T Curtis x2; P de Freitas; M H Denness; JG Dewes; ERDexter; G H G Doggart x2 ; B D'Oliveira; MA Ealham; JH Edrich; J Emburey;NH Fairbrother; A Flintoff x3; N Foster; ARC Fraser; KWRFletcher; J Galian x2 ; N Gifford; TW Graveney; AW Greig; D Gough; D I Gower; G Hamilton; J Hampshire x 3; D Headley x2 ; M Hendrik; GHick, K Higgs; RNS Hobbs; RA Hutton; M Ilott; A Igglesden; Ray Illingworth; Richard Illingworth; DJ Insole; R Irani; RD Jackman x2 ; L Jackson; J Jameson; PW Jarvis; IJ Jones; B Knght; N Knight; APE Knott; AJ Lamb; W Larkins; JDF Larter ; M Lathwell; E Leadbeater; P Lever; A Lewis; D Lloyd; TA Lloyd; PJ Loader; B Luckhurst; M McCague; JE McConnon; AJMcIntyre D Maddy; D Malcolm; N Mallender; VJ Marks; PJ Martin x2; MP Maynard; G Miller; G Millman; A Milton x 2; JB Mortimore; H Morris; A Moss; M Moxon, T Munton; JT Murray; PJ Newport; ASM Oakman; C Old; DEV Padgett; CH Palmer; K Palmer; PWG Parker; J M Parks x2 ; A Pigott x2 ; W Place; P I Pocock; JSE Price; R Prideaux x3 ; DR Pringle x2; G Pullar; NV Radford; M Ramprakash; D Randall; C Read; D Reeve; HJ Rhodes x2 ; S Rhodes; CJ Richards; F Ridgway; G RJ Roope x2 ; B Rose; F Rumsey x 2 ; R C Russell, W E Russell; I Salisbury; MWW Selvey; D Shackleton; P Sharpe; D S Sheppard; K Shuttleworth; A Sidebottom; CEW Silverwood x2; RT Simpson; G Small; David Smith; Don Smith x2; D R Smith; MJK Smith; RA Smith x 2; JA Snow; J Stephenson; GB Stevenson; A Stewart; M J Stewart; G Swann; R Swetman; R Tattersall; C Tavare; K Taylor; L Taylor x 2; P Terry; GJ Thomas; NI Thomson; G Thorpe; FJ Titmus; R Tolchard; A Tudor x2 ; P Tufnell ; FH Tyson; S Udal x2 (1-day) ; M Vaughan; PM Walker x2 ; Alan Ward; JJ Warr; SL Watkin; A Watkins; M Watkinson; A Wells; C White; N Williams; D Wilson; B Wood; R A Woolmer.
T M Alderman; K Archer; R Benaud ; A Bichel; G Blewett; D Boon ; GD Campbell, G E Corling; G J Cosier; A Dale; AK Davidson ; M De Vinito; P Emery; A Gilchrist; R G Holland; B Lee; D Lehman; K O'Keeffe; P Philpott AP Sheahan; P R Sleep; RB Simpson; G B Stevens; M Taylor; G Thomas, P Toohey, G Tribe, MHN Walker; JM Weiner.
Shafiek Abrahams (1-day), HD Ackerman x 4; P Adams x2 ; NAT Adcock x 3; Adam Bacher x3 ; Ali Bacher x 4; EJ Barlow; DM Benkenstein x 3 (1-day); D Begbie; KC Bland x2; N Boje x2 ; JT Botten; R Bryson x2; CG DeV Burger; D Callaghan x4 (1-day); PR Carlstein x2 ; GA Chevalier; DJ Cullinan x2 ; AC Dawson x2; PF de Villiers x3; H Dippenaar x2; AA Donald; RG Draper; CAR Duckworth; R Dumbrill x2; C Eksteen x3 ; S Elworthy x2; WS Farrer; JP Fellows-Smith; ERH Fuller; D Gamsy x2; N Gordon; H Gibbs; A Hall x3; M Hayward x3; PS Heine; C Henderson; O Henry x4; AC Hudson x2; BL Irvine x2; S Jack x3; JH Kallis; J Kemp; PN Kirsten; L Klusener; L Koen x 3(1-day) ; A Kuiper; GB Lawrence x2; G Liebenberg x3; D Lindsay; B McMillan x 6; MJ Macaulay; A Martyn (toured Eng 1994 no Tests); C Matthews; V Mpitsang x2 (1-day); JD Nel; S O'Linn; S Palframan x4 (1-day); AJ Pithey x2 ; DB Pithey; PM Pollock; S Pollock x 4; JE Pothecary; D Pretorius; A Prince; MJ Procter x4; BA Richards x 3; DJ Richardson; JN Rhodes; M Rindel x 3 (1-day); D Rundle (1-day); B Schultz x2 ; MASeymour x2 ; E Simons (1-day and coach); VI Smith x2; E Stewart (1-day); R Steyn x 3; P Symcox; AI Taylor; R Telemachus x2 (1-day); D Terbrugge x2; P Trimborn x2; AJ Traicos x2 (also Zimbabwe); L Tuckett x2; PL van der Merwe x2; CB van Ryneveld x 3; M Van Jaarsveld; GD Varnals x2 ; K Watson x2 ; C Wesley; K Wessels; PL Winslow.
J Adams; FCM Alexander x2; D Allan, I Allen; C Ambrose x2 ; K Artherton x2; SFA Bacchus; E Baptiste; K Benjamin; W Benjamin x3; C Best; AJ Binns; I Bishop x2; B StA Brown; C Browne x 3; CG Butts; MR Bynoe; S Camacho; S Campbell x2 ; S Chanderpaul;RJ Christiani; Pedro Collins; C Collymore; C Croft x 2; C Cuffy; A Cummings x2; W Daniel; B Davis; CA Davis; T Dewdney; RDhanraj; M Dillon x3; V Drakes x2; PJ Dujon x2; RM Edwards; MC Fredericks; D Ganga; A Ganteaume. J Garner x2 ; A Gray x2; O Gibson x2; A Greenidge; CG Greenidge x2; CC Griffith; WW Hall x2; RA Harper x2 ; D Haynes; R Haynes; RGA Headley; JL Hendriks; R Holder x2; V Holder; M Holding; D Holford; C Hooper x2 ; R Jacobs x2; D Joseph; BD Julien; R Jumadeen; A Kallicharran; RB Kanhai x2; C King; R King x 3; C Lambert x2; B Lara x 2; PD Lashley x2; R Lewis x2; C Lloyd x2; A Logie; IS Madray; NE Marshall; N McLean x2; RS Miller; DL Murray; J Murray; R Nanan; S Nurse x2; A Padmore; B Pairaudeau; D Parry; BP Patterson x 3; TRO Payne; N Perry; A Rae; S Raganooth; S Ramadhin x 2; F Reiffer x4; AME Roberts x2; F Rose x3; W Rodrigues; R Scarlett x2; JN Shepherd; P Simmons x2; M Small; Cammie Smith x 3 ; Jaswick Taylor x2; P Thompson; P Wallace x2; CA Walsh; C Watson; EDeC Weekes; WA White; D Williams; LRWilliams; S Williams.
J Alabaster x2 ; G Allott; RW Anderson; B Andrews; GA Bartlett; BA Bolton; P Barton; T Blain; RW Blair x2 ; S Boock; J Bracewell x2; G Bradburn; WP Bradburn; V Brown; M Burgess x2 ; BL Cairns; C Cairns x2 ; FJ Cameron; R Collinge; IA Colquhoun; JV Coney; BE Congdon; M Crowe; R Cunis; JW D'Arcy; H Davis; EW Dempster; A ****; GT Dowling; B Edgar x2; GN Edwards; S Fleming x2; SG Gedye; L Germon x2; S Gillespie; EJ Gray; SC Guillen x2; JW Guy; DR Hadlee x2; WA Hadlee x2; C Harris; RM Harris; M Hart; B Hartland; M Haslam; BF Hastings; JA Hayes x2 ; PA Horne; KW Hough; G Howarth; H J Howarth x 2; T Jarvis; AH Jones; R Kennedy; JL Kerr x 2 ; CM Kuggeljein x2; R Latham; I Leggatt; W Lees x2 ; GB Loveridge; P Mc Ewan; SN McGregor; TG McMahon; A MacGibbon; T Meale; EM Meuli; BD Milburn; FLH Mooney; RW Morgan; DK Morrison; JFM Morrison; D Murray; BAG Murray x2; D O'Sullivan; J Parker x2; AC Parore x2; D Patel; PJ Petherick; EC Petrie x2; R Petrie; WB Playle x2; V Pollard; MB Poore; C Pringle; GO Rabone; RE Redmond; JF Reid; JR Reid (1949); G Robertson; K Rutherford; RH Scott; M Shrimpton; B W Sinclair x2 ; ISD Smith; M Snedden; JT Sparling; C Spearman; GR Stead; D Stirling; M Su'a; B Taylor ; K Thomson; SA Thomson; EWT Tindill; G Troup; P Truscott; G Turner; R Twose; R Vance;G Vivian; M Wallace; K Walmesley; JT Ward; W Watson; MG Webb; JG Wright; B Yuile x2.
S Abid Ali; Ajay Sharma; M Armanath; SB Amarnath; PK Amre; S Ankola; AL Apte; ML Apte x 3 ; B Arun; BJ Kirti Azad; M Azharrudin x2 ; AA Baig; B Bedi; RMH Binnyx3 ; CG Borde; CPS Chauhan; HT Dani; Deepak Sharma; DR Doshi; RS Dravid; S Durani; F Engineer;DK Gaekwad; AD Gaekwad; HG Gaekwad; S Ganguly x3; SM Gavaskar x2; D Ghandi; KD Ghavri; CV Gopinath; MJ Gopalan; Gopal Sharma; Gurshuran Singh; Hanumant Singh; Harbajahn Singh; V Hazare; N Hirwani; AJ Jadeja; ML Jaisimha; K Jayantalil; SB Joshi; HS Kanitkar x2; Kapil Dev x2 ; A Kapoor; S Kariem; S Kirmani; R Kulkarni; UN Kulkarni; A Kumble; BK Kunderan; V V S Laxman; Madan Lal; A Malhotra; Maninder Singh; SV Manjrekar x2 ; MK Mantri; Maqsood Ahmed; P Mhambrey; D Mohanty; A Mongia; K More x 3 ;Nawab of Pataudi; MV Narasimha Rao; SV Nayak; M Nayar; CS Nayudu; DD Parsana; B P Patel; MM Patel; R Patel; S Patil; M Prabhakar x2; V Prasad; L Rajput; WV Raman; GS Ramchand; VB Ranjane; V Rathore x2; V Raju x3; B Reddy; MR Rege; Pankaj Roy; Pranab Roy; BH Sandhu; R Saxena; A Sharma; G Sharma; S Sharma; R Shastri x 3; R Shukla; AS Sidhu; Robin Singh x2; RP Singh; L Sivaramakrishnan;MM Sood; I Srikkanth; R Surti; J Srinath; TE Srinivasan x2; V Subramanya; GR Sunderam; PR Umrigar; A Wassan; D Vengsarkar x2; S Venkataraghavan; G Viswanath; S Yadav x2; J Yajurvindra Singh;Yograv Singh; Zulfiqar Ahmed.
Aamer Malik x2; Aamir Nazir; Aamir Sohail; Aaqib Javed; Abdul Kadir; Abdul Qadir x2; Aftab Baloch; Akram Raza; Alimuddin; Anil Dalpak; Anwar Khan; Arshad Khan; Ashraf Ali x2; Asif Masood; Asif Mujtaba x2; Ata-Ur-Rehman; Azeem Hafeez; Azmat Rana; A D'Souza; Ehtesham-ud-Din; Farooq Hamid; Farrukh Zaman; Fazal Mahmood; MEZ Ghazali;Ghulam Ali (1-day); Hanif Mohammad; Haroon Rashid x 3; Haseeb Afsan; Hassan Raza x3; K Ibadulla; Ijaz Ahmed (Jr); Ijaz Fakir x2; Imran Khan x 3; Imtiaz Ali; Imtiaz Ahmed; Intikhab Alam x2; Inzaman ul Haq x 2; Iqbal Qasim; Iqbal Sikander; Javed Burki; Javed Miandad x2; Kabir Khan; Kamran Akmal; Khan Mohammad; Majid Khan x2 ; Maqsood Rana x2 ; Mahmood Hussain; Masood Anwar; Misbah Ul Haq; Mohammad Akram; Mohammad Ilyas x2 ; Mohammad Munaf x2; Mohammad Nazir (Jnr ); Mohsin Kamal; Moin Khan x2; Moin Ul Atiq x2; Mudassar Nazar (jnr); Muhammad Zahid; Mustaq Mohammad x2; Nadeem Ghauri x 2; Naveed Anjum; Nazim-ul-Ghani; Qasim Omar x2; Rameez Raja x 3; Rashid Khan; Rashid Latief x3; Razdan; Rizwan-uz-Zaman x 3; Sadiq Mohammad; Saeed Anwar x2; Safraz Nawaz; Sajid Ali x3 ; Salahuddin x2; Saleem Yousef x3; Salim Jaffer x2; Salim Malik; Shadab Kabir x 3; Shahid Maboob; Shahid Nazir x 3; Shahid Saeed; Shakeel Ahmed x2; D Sharpe; Shoabib Mohammad x 3; Shuja-ud-Din; Sikander Bakht; Tahir Naqqash; Tahvir Mehdi; Tauseef Ahmed; Waqar Hassan; Wasim Akram x3; Wasim Bari; Wasim Haider; Wasim Raja; Wazir Mohammad x 3; Younis Ahmed; Zaheer Abbas x2; Zahid Fazal; Zahoor Elahi; Zakir Khan x2
K Amalean; SD Anurasiri x2 ; M Atapattu x2 ; G de Alwis; ALF de Mel; Aravinda de Silva; Asoka de Silva x2 ; S De Silva; R Dias; K Dharmasena x2 ; A Dunasinghe; S Fernando; HM Goonatillake; Y Goonasekera; AP Gurusinghe;C Haturusinghe; RSA Jayasekera; ST Jayasuriya x 3; V John (real name JVB Jeyarajasingham); RS Kalpage;R Kaluwitheranex2; SMS Kaluperuma; B Kuruppu;K Kuruppuarachchi; RS Madugalle x2 ; AR Madurasinghe x2 ; M A W R Madurusinghe; R Mahanama; MMuralitheran x3; E Pushpakumra; R Radujarai x2; HCP Ramanayake x2 ; AN Ranasinghe; A Ranatunga; D Ranatunga x2 ; S Ranatunga; R Ratanyake; JR Ratnayeke x2; D Samaraweera; A Samaraskera; A Silva x2; SAR Silva x2; H Tillekeratne x 2; E Upashanha x 4; UCJ Vaas; B Warnapura; KPJ Warnaweera; R Wijegnawardena x3 ; S Weerasinghe; G Wickramasinghe x3 ; PK Wijetunge.
D Arnott; A Blignaut; D Brain; E Brandes x 4; G Bruk-Jackson x2 ; I Buchart x 4; A Campbell x2; S Carlisle x 6; MH Dekker; A Flower x3; G Flower x 2; C Evans x 3; D Houghton x2 ; W James; M Jarvis x2; D Marillier; H Masakadza; E Matambanazo x2; M Mbangwa x2; B Murphy; D Mutendura; G Paterson; S Peale; R Price; A Pycroft; U Ranchod; G Rennie x5; J Rennie x2; Ali Shah; B Strang; PA Strang x 3; D Viljoen x3; A Waller; A Whittall x4; G Whittall x 5; C Wishart x3
Al-Shahriar Rokon; Alok Kapali; Habibul Bashar; Javed Omar; Hannan Sarkar; Khaled Mashud; Khaled Mahmud; Manjural Islam; Mohammed Rafique; Tapash Baisya; Rafiqal Islam; Sanwar Hossain; Tushar Imran; Tulhar Jubair; Anwar Hossain;
Letter dated 1980 signed by I J Siedle (South Africa) in ink (died 1982) full clean signature $ 45
Collectors' Item
Don Bradman in action on Australian silver coin 2 @ $ 45 each
ICC World Cup 2003 (unsigned) $ 16
Bangladesh touring team in South Africa 2002-03 all players signed $ 30
Eastern Cape franchise signed on front $ 300
World Cup programme 2003 SA v Windies (opening match) $ 6
World Cup programme 2003 England v Holland $ 6
World Cup programme 2003 SA v Canada $ 6
Rhodesia v Transvaal Currie Cup scorecard (excellent condition) 7-9 April, 1928, unsigned $ 15
Bulawayo v Salisbury scorecard, excellent condition 28.29 December 1940. $ 15
Scorecard North v South (Rhodesias) all scores written in ink: 2/3 November, 1946. Good condition $ 15
Western Province v Transvaal 1985-86, 4-page light board scorecard signed by all players including Sylvester Clarke (deceased). $ 25
Western Province (two) teamsheets early 1980s with late Stuart Leary $ 15
World Cup 2003 Pakistan $ 20
World Cup 2003 Bangladesh $ 20
Zimbabwe to Australia 2003 $ 45 ( Zimbabwe last series with all the rebel player's )
India to Australia 2003/04 (missing Ganguly) $ 20
All $ 15 (except last item)
Datsun tie (South African one -day competition 1980s)
Zimbabwe Test tie
South Africa v West Indies 2003-04 limited-overs sponsor's tie
South Aftrica v West Indies 1998-99 limited-overs sponsor's tie
Benson & Hedges tie with South African provincial logos
South Africa v England 1999-2000 limited-overs tie
SuperSport (South African first-class sponsors)
Springbok tie $ 40
South African Cricket Annual full set 1951-52 to 2003 (for full set) $ 650
Individual annuals on request.
Caught by the Springboks by Jack Cheetham (signed by author) $ 18
Signed photo large colour signed framed SV Manjrekar (India) $ 15
Signed pic Peter van der Merwe (SA) large framed. $ 15
Postcard Southern Rhodesia with 2 x half-penny stamps dated 12.12.1930 congratulating Rhodesian player on invitation to South African Test trial. $ 15
Surrey Cricket Club membership for Springbok 1935 tour. Embossed with Surrey logo. $ 40
My name is Suleman Modan. I'm from Durban, South Africa. I have these cricket
Memoribilia available !!!
If you need to know anything about these item's, Feel free to mail me on :
My number to contact me is as follow's : +27 83 786 5211
I enclose a list of item's I have available at present , With their prices . ect ect
Herewith the list of cricket card 's and odd memorabilia items I have available of deceased and living Test cricketers, plus memorabilia.
(nb P=Pencil). All items are in good condition (unless so marked) although some are rare and old
E&OE (some items requested by you might be sold and not deducted from lists, for which I apologise. I try to keep up to date each fortnight but errors may creep in)
Each $50
LC Braund; George Gunn; S Haigh (P); JW Hearne (P); GH Hirst; GH Hirst (P); JW Hitch; JB Hobbs, CP Mead; CP Mead (P); H Strudwick (P); FE Woolley.
Each $45
MJC Allom x2; LEG Ames; J Arnold ; WE Astill, W Barber; CJ Barnett ; W Bowes; EH Bowley; FR Brown; DCSCompton; EW Dawson ; A Ducat; G Duckworth; FJ Durston; WJ Edrich; WJ Edrich (P); PGH Fender x3 ; LB Fishlock x 2; G Geary x2; TW Goddard (P); A Gover; HTW Hardinge; HWT Hardinge (P); J Hardstaff Jr.; EP Hendren; ERT Holmes; P Holmes ; L Hutton x2; WW Keeton; AS Kennedy (P); Jas.Langridge x2; WHV Levett x5; M Leyland x3; FT Mann, TB Mitchell x4; NS Mitchell-Innes; MS Nichols; N Oldfield; CW L Parker (P); JH Parks; Harry Parks (Sussex); E Paynter; IAR Peebles x2; W Place, WFF Price; HD Read x2; RWV Robins; A Sandham; JM Sims; RA Sinfield x2; R Sinfield (P); Denys Smith (1935);H Sutcliffe x2; DCHTownsend x 2; LF Townsend; GE Tyldesley; BH Valentine x2; W Voce; CF Walters; L L Wilkinson, A Wood; S Worthington; DVP Wright; RES Wyatt x 2; NWD Yardley
Each $ 40
H Alexander; AG Chipperfield ; L Darling; EL McCormick; H Nitschke (p), LP O'Brien; K Rigg; T Wall.
Each $ 50
G Allsop (manager SA team in England, 1912); AVC Bissett (toured Eng 1901-no Tests); A Dave Nourse (P); SJPegler ; HW Taylor.
Each $ 45
XC Balaskas x4; RH Catterall; RJ Crisp; SH Curnow ; ELDalton; RL Harvey; R Grieveson; A Melville; B Mitchell ; ES Newson; AD Nourse; EP Nupen; HG Owen-Smith x2; HLE Promnitz; EAB Rowan ; IJ Siedle; DS Tomlinson; K Viljoen; CL Vincent, W W Wade
Each $ 45
J Cowie ; EW Dempster; MP Donnelly; DL Freeman; Sir J Newman; G L Weir; P Whitelaw
Each $ 45
ALS Birkett (WI) ; FJ Cameron (WI); J Cameron (WI); CB Clarke (WI); Jehangir Khan (India); DD Hindlekar (p) (India); T Johnson (WI); CS Nayudu; C Ramaswami (India); JED Sealy (WI); JB Stollmeyer (WI); K Weekes; EAV Williams x2.
Each $ 40
D Bairstow x2; C Balderstone; H J Butler; LColdwell; C Cook; MC Cowdrey; J Crapp; H E Dollery; GM Emmett; TG Evans x3; J Flavell x2 ; C Gladwin x2; SC Griffith; MJ Hilton; R Howorth; R Jenkins; D Kenyon x2; JC Laker x2; GAR Lock; FG Mann; Jack W Martin; PBH May x3; C Milburn x2; G Parkhouse; W Place; R Pollard x2; G Pope x3; CJ Poole; RT Spooner x2; JB Statham; MF Tremlett; J Robertson x3; W Slack; JH Wardle; A Wharton x 2; W Watson; D White; JA Young x2.
Each $ 40
P Burge; JW Burke; M Harvey; D Hookes; GRA Langely; K Mackay (p) ; JWMartin; J Moroney x2; B Shepherd
Each $ 35
J E Cheetham x2; GWA Chubb; WJ Cronje; D V Dyer ; GM Fullerton x3; C G Halse x2; M Hanley; TA Harris; H J Keith x2; JD Lindsay x2; C McCarthy x2 ; DJ McGlew ; NBF Mann; PNF Mansell x3; LA Markham; ARA Murray; L Payn (1947 tour-no Tests); J Plimsoll x3; AMB Rowan; HJ Tayfield; K A Walter
Each $ 35
Aftab Gul (Pak); E Atkinson (WI); JE F Beck (NZ): W Bell (NZ); C Burke (NZ) x2; T Burtt (NZ); LA Butterfield (NZ); S Clarke (WI); CC De Peiza(WI); RB Desai (India); RV Divecha (India); HB Cave (NZ) x2; FE Fisher (NZ); CV Gadkari (India); JDC Goddard (WI); Ghulam Ahmed; BP Gupte (India); PGZ Harris (NZ); Sir CC Hunte (WI) ; KS Indrajitsinhji (India); ML Jaisimha (India); S Jeganathan (SriLanka); P Jones (WI); PG Joshi (India); Khan Mohammad (Pak); Mathias Wallis (Pak); T Madondo (Zim) x5; M Marshall (WI) x3; R E Marshall (WI) x2; LSM Miller (NZ) x2; Miram Bux (Pak); A Moir (NZ) x3; F Mooney (NZ); R S Modi (India); Nazar Mohammad (Pak); GWF Overton (NZ); S Nyalchand (India); CT Patankar (India); EC Petrie (NZ); L Pierre (WI); N Puna (NZ); CR Rangchari (India); A Roberts (NZ); AT Roberts (WI); A Roy (India); Pankaj Roy (India); CT Sarwate (India); RH Scott (NZ); I Sinclair (NZ); CK Singh (WI); C Snedden (NZ) x2; SW Sohoni (India); FB Smith (NZ); V Stollmeyer (WI); NS Tamhane (India); A Valentine (WI); L Watt (NZ).
# Post card size B & W #C Post card size Colour + small head & shoulders
~ small action
Each $ 50
+ GO Allen; + MJC Allom; LEG Ames; LEG Ames (cig card); ~ CJ Barnett; * F R Brown; # A E Fagg; + LB Fishlock ; + A Gover ; + EP Hendren;J Hardstaff jr. (cig card); # J Hardstaff Jr; L Hutton (h&s); WHV Levett; #c T Mitchell; T Mitchell (cig card); + N Oldfield ; # HD Read; # R A Sinfield ; + # R Wyatt.
Each $ 50
# XC Balaskas; # RJ Crisp; RL Harvey; # R E Grieveson; # RE Grieveson; # RE Grieveson; + A Melville; # EAB Rowan; + EAB Rowan; IJ Siedle (action); ~ KJ Viljoen .
Each $ 50
# J Cameron (WI); JB Stollmeyer (WI); # KH Weekes (WI).
Each $ 50
ENGLAND: + D Bairstow ; MC Cowdrey (action); TG Evans; # C Gladwin; ~ R Jenkins; # D Kenyon ; #C PBH May; ~ C Milburn; #W Place; + TPB Smith; ~ RT Spooner; W Watson; #JA Young.
AUSTRALIA: ~ JW Burke ; D Hookes; # G Langley; GR Thoms.
SOUTH AFRICA: # JE Cheetham; + DV Dyer ; GM Fullerton +; #C G Halse: M Hanley; + TA Harris ; + JD LIndsay ; CN McCarthy; # DJ McGlew ; # PNF Mansell ; # PNF Mansell ; LA Markham; # ARA Murray; J Plimsoll, # AMB Rowan; W W Wade' K A Walter
WEST INDIES: D ATkinson; ~RE Marshall; # L Pierre
INDIA: # RB Desai ; + PG Joshi
ZIMBABWE: #c T Madondo x4
1-day (played limited-overs matches only).
Each $8
c = colour; otherwise black & white; h&s = head and shoulders
c CAdams; c JP Agnew; DA Allen; c DL Amiss; K Andrew; c PJW Allott; c PJW Allott (h& s); c M Atherton;c CWJ Athey; c R Bailey; c J Benjamin; M Benson (action); c M Benson; R Berry x2 ; J Birkenshaw; c IT Botham; c BC Broad; c BC Broad; D Brookes; A Brown; DJ Brown; c RO Butcher; c A Caddick; c DJ Capel; c DJ Capel (action); c JH Childs; c JH Childs (h& s); NGC Cook; c D Cork; c R Dawson; c P de Freitas; c P de Freitas; B D'Oliveira; c P Downton; c RM Ellison; c J Emburey; c NH Fairbrother; c KWR Fletcher; c A Flintoff; c NA Foster; c ARC Fraser; ARC Fraser (action); TW Graveney; c G Hamilton; c R Harmison; c FC Hayes; c EE Hemmings; c G Hick; K Higgs; M Horton; c N Hussain; c Richard Illingworth; c M Ilott; c RD Jackman; HL Jackson; c P Jarvis; c P Jarvis (h &s); c M Lathwell; c DV Lawrence; P Lever; cN Mallender;c D Maddy; c PJ Martin; G Millman; c H Morris; A Moss; c M Moxon; c T Munton; P Newport; K Palmer; P H Parfitt; c DR Pringle; G Pullar; NV Radford; C Read; G Roope; c I Salisbury; K Shuttleworth; c A Sidebottom; c CEW Silverwood , c G Small; c CL Smith; David Smith; c J Stephenson; c R Subba Row; R Tattersall; R Tattersall (action); c R Taylor; c VP Terry; c G Thorpe; M Vaughan; PM Walker; JJWarr; c SL Watkin; c M Watkinson; c JJ Whitaker; c C White; c RA Woolmer
N Bracken (1-day), c M di Venito (1-day), K Eastwood; E Freeman; c D Gilchrist; c BJ Haddin (1-day); c I J Harvey (1-day); B Lee; c M Love ; c S MacGilll; c A J MacKay (1-day); c A Noffki (1-day), c B Reid; c W Seccombe (1-day); c A Stuart (1-day); D Whatmore; c K Wright, B Young
c HD Ackerman; c P R Adams; NAT Adcock; c Adam Bacher x2; Ali Bacher; H D Bromfield; c M Boucher; c D Callaghan; P R Carlstein; GA Chevalier; c J Commins x 3; c D Crookes x2; c D Cullinan; c PS de Villiers; c PS de Villiers; c H Boeta Dippenaar; c AA Donald; RG Draper; CAR Duckworth; J Du Preez; c S Elworthy; JP Fellows-Smith; EHR Fuller; KJ Funston; D Gamsy (h&s), D Gamsy (action); H Gibbs, TL Goddard; c Andrew Hall ; c M Hayward; PS Heine; O Henry; c AC Hudson; DEJ Ironside; S Jack; c JH Kallis x2; J Kemp; c C Langeveldt (1-day); c G Liebenberg; c G Kirsten; c PN Kirsten; c Louis Koen (1-day); c RA McLean; c N McKenzie; c C Matthews (action); c C Matthews; c Andre Nel; Jack Nel; c M Ngam; c M Ntini; c M Ntini (action); c M Ntini (h &s); S O'Linn; S Palframan; S Pollock; J E Pothecary; c A Prince; c M Pringle (h&s); M Pringle (h&s); c c RF Pienaar; c D Pretorius; c D Richardson; c Jacques Rudolph; M Rushmere; BN Schultz; c T Shaw (1-day); c E Simons (1-day; current SA coach); c Graeme Smith; VI Smith (action); VI Smith (h& s); PJR Steyn; PC Strydom x2 ; PL Symcox; R Telemachus (1-day); D Terbrugge (h&s) c D Terbrugge (action); D Terbrugge (action); L Tuckett; CB van Ryneveld; JHB Waite; C Wesley; c H Williams (1-day), c C Willoughby; M Zondeki.
c J Adams; c C E L Ambrose; c K L Arthurton; c E Baptiste; c E Baptiste; E Baptiste; c C Baugh jnr; W Benjamin; c C Best (h&s); C Best (action); c I Bishop; M Black, c C O Browne; c S Campbell; c W Daniel; c M Dillon (action);c M Dillon (action); c M Dillon (action); F Edwards; c D Ganga; c Gayle; c O Gibson; c G Greenidge; c AGriffith; c A Griffith (h&s); c R A Harper; J Hendriks; c R I C Holder; VA Holder; DAJ Holford; c R Jacobs; c K Jeremy (1-day); c AKallicharran (h&s); c A Kallicharran (action); c C Lambert (h&s); c C Lambert (action); c B Lara; PD Lashley; c AL Logie; c N McLean (h&s); c N McLean (h&s); c D Mohammad; D L Murray (small b &w) ; c Junior Murray; M Nagamootoo; c S Nurse; D Parry; P Patterson; c F Reiffer (h&s); c F Reiffer (h&s); L Roberts (1999); c F Rose (h&s); c F Rose (h&s); M Samuels, c Sarwan; c P Simmons; c Dwayne Smith; S (Charlie) Stayers (small b&w); c A Stanford; c C Stuart; B Thompson; c P Wallace (h& s); c P Wallace (h&s); c P Wallace (h&s); c D Williams.
c N Astle; c M D Bell; c Grant Bradburn; M Burgess (sm b&w); c C Cairns; B Congdon; c JV Coney; c H Davis; c H Davis (h&s); c B Edgar; c B Edgar (action); EJ Gray; c M Greatbatch; c M Greatbatch (h & s); AH Jones; c C Z Harris; c M Hart; J A Hayes (sm h &s); c M Horne; H Howarth (sm b &w); GP Howarth; c G Larsen; c D Loveridge; c Hamish Marshall; c Chris Martin; D Morrison; D Murray (small h& s); c D Nash; c S O'Connor; c M Owens; c A Parore; c DN Patel; c S Penn (1-day); J Parker; c B Pocock; GO Rabone (action); c M Richardson; c K Rutherford (action); c K Rutherford (action); c M Sinclair; c I S D Smith (sm col); c G Sulzberger (1-day); c SA Thomson; G Vivian (h&s);G Vivian (action); c D Vettori; M Wallace; c K Walmesley; c B Walker; c W Watson; DJ White; c Jeff Wilson (1-day, double-international; also All Black rugby); c J Wright; c B Young.
c A Agarkar; P Amre; c Ajay Sharma; Kirti Azad ; M Azharuddin; AA Baig ; c RV Bharadwaj; c R Dravid; c AD Gaekwad ; C DGhandi; c Hanumant Singh; c Harbajahn Singh; c AJ Jadeja; c K Jayantilal; c HH Kanitkar; Madan Lal; c Maninder Singh; AV Mankad; Mushtaq Ali; c MSK Prasad; c V Rathore; c R P Singh (1-day); c R Shastri ; c L Sivaramakrishnan; c K Skrikkanth; c K Skrikkanth (action); J Srinath; S Venkataraghavan; AL Wadekar.
c Aamer Nazir; c Aqib Javed (h&s); c Aqib Javed; Asif Massod; c Asif Mujtaba; c Ata-ur-Rehman; Azhar Khan; c Azhar Mahmood; c Hassan Raza; Humajun Farhat; c Ijaz Ahmed (junior); c Kabir Khan; Mohammad Ilyas (sm b&w); c Mohammad Akram; c Mohsin Kamal; c Moin Khan; c Muhammad Zahid; c Mujahid Jamshed; c Mustaq Mohammad; c Nadeem Khan; c Rameez Raja; c Rashid Latief; c Rizwan-Uz-Zaman; c Salim Jaffer; c Saqlain Mustaq; Sarfraz Nawaz (sm b& w); c Shadab Kabir; c Shadab Kabir; c Shahid Nazir; c Shoaib Mohammad; c Taufeeq Umar; Tauseef Ahmed; c Wasim Bari; c Zahoo Elahi .
c K Dharmesena; c PA de Silva ; c A Gurusinghe; A Gurusinghe; c C Hathurasinghe; c DPM Jayawardene ; c DBS Kuruppu ; R Madugalle; RS Mahanama; c SA Perera ; c A Ranatunga; c S Ranatunga (sm H&s); R Ratanyake; E Upashanta; E Wijesuriya
c G A Briant (sm h &s); c A Campbell; c S Carlisle; K G Duers (1-day); D Ebrahim; A Ervine; c C Evans; A Friend; c T Gripper; D Hondo; D L Houghton; c W James; c N Johnson; c D Marilllier; L Nkala; S Matsenkenyere; V Sibanda
c Al-Shahriar Rokon; c Alok Kapali; c Habibul Bashar; c Javed Omar; c Hannan Sarkar; c Khaled Mashud; c Khaled Mahmud; c Manjural Islam; c Mohammed Rafique; c Tapash Baisya; c Rafiqal Islam; c Sanwar Hossain; c Tushar Imran; c Tulhar Jubair; c Anwar Hossain
Each $ 4
C Adams; JP Agnew; DA Allen; K Andrew x2 ; R Appleyard; GG Arnold; MA Atherton; W Athey; R Bailey; TE Bailey; GD Barlow x2 ; K Barnett; RW Barber x2; AV Bedser; M Benson; R Berry; M Bicknell x2; J Birkenshaw x2; JB Bolus; R Blakey; IT Botham; G Boycott; JM Brearley; D Brookes; Alan Brown; Alistair Brown; AD Brown; J Brown; S Brown; A Butcher; R O Butcher; ACaddick; DJ Capel, DB Carr; T Cartwright x 2; JH Childs; DB Close; NGB Cook, G Cook, G Cope; R Cottam; RG Cowans; C Cowdrey; K Cranston; J Crawley; RDP Croft; T Curtis x2; P de Freitas; M H Denness; JG Dewes; ERDexter; G H G Doggart x2 ; B D'Oliveira; MA Ealham; JH Edrich; J Emburey;NH Fairbrother; A Flintoff x3; N Foster; ARC Fraser; KWRFletcher; J Galian x2 ; N Gifford; TW Graveney; AW Greig; D Gough; D I Gower; G Hamilton; J Hampshire x 3; D Headley x2 ; M Hendrik; GHick, K Higgs; RNS Hobbs; RA Hutton; M Ilott; A Igglesden; Ray Illingworth; Richard Illingworth; DJ Insole; R Irani; RD Jackman x2 ; L Jackson; J Jameson; PW Jarvis; IJ Jones; B Knght; N Knight; APE Knott; AJ Lamb; W Larkins; JDF Larter ; M Lathwell; E Leadbeater; P Lever; A Lewis; D Lloyd; TA Lloyd; PJ Loader; B Luckhurst; M McCague; JE McConnon; AJMcIntyre D Maddy; D Malcolm; N Mallender; VJ Marks; PJ Martin x2; MP Maynard; G Miller; G Millman; A Milton x 2; JB Mortimore; H Morris; A Moss; M Moxon, T Munton; JT Murray; PJ Newport; ASM Oakman; C Old; DEV Padgett; CH Palmer; K Palmer; PWG Parker; J M Parks x2 ; A Pigott x2 ; W Place; P I Pocock; JSE Price; R Prideaux x3 ; DR Pringle x2; G Pullar; NV Radford; M Ramprakash; D Randall; C Read; D Reeve; HJ Rhodes x2 ; S Rhodes; CJ Richards; F Ridgway; G RJ Roope x2 ; B Rose; F Rumsey x 2 ; R C Russell, W E Russell; I Salisbury; MWW Selvey; D Shackleton; P Sharpe; D S Sheppard; K Shuttleworth; A Sidebottom; CEW Silverwood x2; RT Simpson; G Small; David Smith; Don Smith x2; D R Smith; MJK Smith; RA Smith x 2; JA Snow; J Stephenson; GB Stevenson; A Stewart; M J Stewart; G Swann; R Swetman; R Tattersall; C Tavare; K Taylor; L Taylor x 2; P Terry; GJ Thomas; NI Thomson; G Thorpe; FJ Titmus; R Tolchard; A Tudor x2 ; P Tufnell ; FH Tyson; S Udal x2 (1-day) ; M Vaughan; PM Walker x2 ; Alan Ward; JJ Warr; SL Watkin; A Watkins; M Watkinson; A Wells; C White; N Williams; D Wilson; B Wood; R A Woolmer.
T M Alderman; K Archer; R Benaud ; A Bichel; G Blewett; D Boon ; GD Campbell, G E Corling; G J Cosier; A Dale; AK Davidson ; M De Vinito; P Emery; A Gilchrist; R G Holland; B Lee; D Lehman; K O'Keeffe; P Philpott AP Sheahan; P R Sleep; RB Simpson; G B Stevens; M Taylor; G Thomas, P Toohey, G Tribe, MHN Walker; JM Weiner.
Shafiek Abrahams (1-day), HD Ackerman x 4; P Adams x2 ; NAT Adcock x 3; Adam Bacher x3 ; Ali Bacher x 4; EJ Barlow; DM Benkenstein x 3 (1-day); D Begbie; KC Bland x2; N Boje x2 ; JT Botten; R Bryson x2; CG DeV Burger; D Callaghan x4 (1-day); PR Carlstein x2 ; GA Chevalier; DJ Cullinan x2 ; AC Dawson x2; PF de Villiers x3; H Dippenaar x2; AA Donald; RG Draper; CAR Duckworth; R Dumbrill x2; C Eksteen x3 ; S Elworthy x2; WS Farrer; JP Fellows-Smith; ERH Fuller; D Gamsy x2; N Gordon; H Gibbs; A Hall x3; M Hayward x3; PS Heine; C Henderson; O Henry x4; AC Hudson x2; BL Irvine x2; S Jack x3; JH Kallis; J Kemp; PN Kirsten; L Klusener; L Koen x 3(1-day) ; A Kuiper; GB Lawrence x2; G Liebenberg x3; D Lindsay; B McMillan x 6; MJ Macaulay; A Martyn (toured Eng 1994 no Tests); C Matthews; V Mpitsang x2 (1-day); JD Nel; S O'Linn; S Palframan x4 (1-day); AJ Pithey x2 ; DB Pithey; PM Pollock; S Pollock x 4; JE Pothecary; D Pretorius; A Prince; MJ Procter x4; BA Richards x 3; DJ Richardson; JN Rhodes; M Rindel x 3 (1-day); D Rundle (1-day); B Schultz x2 ; MASeymour x2 ; E Simons (1-day and coach); VI Smith x2; E Stewart (1-day); R Steyn x 3; P Symcox; AI Taylor; R Telemachus x2 (1-day); D Terbrugge x2; P Trimborn x2; AJ Traicos x2 (also Zimbabwe); L Tuckett x2; PL van der Merwe x2; CB van Ryneveld x 3; M Van Jaarsveld; GD Varnals x2 ; K Watson x2 ; C Wesley; K Wessels; PL Winslow.
J Adams; FCM Alexander x2; D Allan, I Allen; C Ambrose x2 ; K Artherton x2; SFA Bacchus; E Baptiste; K Benjamin; W Benjamin x3; C Best; AJ Binns; I Bishop x2; B StA Brown; C Browne x 3; CG Butts; MR Bynoe; S Camacho; S Campbell x2 ; S Chanderpaul;RJ Christiani; Pedro Collins; C Collymore; C Croft x 2; C Cuffy; A Cummings x2; W Daniel; B Davis; CA Davis; T Dewdney; RDhanraj; M Dillon x3; V Drakes x2; PJ Dujon x2; RM Edwards; MC Fredericks; D Ganga; A Ganteaume. J Garner x2 ; A Gray x2; O Gibson x2; A Greenidge; CG Greenidge x2; CC Griffith; WW Hall x2; RA Harper x2 ; D Haynes; R Haynes; RGA Headley; JL Hendriks; R Holder x2; V Holder; M Holding; D Holford; C Hooper x2 ; R Jacobs x2; D Joseph; BD Julien; R Jumadeen; A Kallicharran; RB Kanhai x2; C King; R King x 3; C Lambert x2; B Lara x 2; PD Lashley x2; R Lewis x2; C Lloyd x2; A Logie; IS Madray; NE Marshall; N McLean x2; RS Miller; DL Murray; J Murray; R Nanan; S Nurse x2; A Padmore; B Pairaudeau; D Parry; BP Patterson x 3; TRO Payne; N Perry; A Rae; S Raganooth; S Ramadhin x 2; F Reiffer x4; AME Roberts x2; F Rose x3; W Rodrigues; R Scarlett x2; JN Shepherd; P Simmons x2; M Small; Cammie Smith x 3 ; Jaswick Taylor x2; P Thompson; P Wallace x2; CA Walsh; C Watson; EDeC Weekes; WA White; D Williams; LRWilliams; S Williams.
J Alabaster x2 ; G Allott; RW Anderson; B Andrews; GA Bartlett; BA Bolton; P Barton; T Blain; RW Blair x2 ; S Boock; J Bracewell x2; G Bradburn; WP Bradburn; V Brown; M Burgess x2 ; BL Cairns; C Cairns x2 ; FJ Cameron; R Collinge; IA Colquhoun; JV Coney; BE Congdon; M Crowe; R Cunis; JW D'Arcy; H Davis; EW Dempster; A ****; GT Dowling; B Edgar x2; GN Edwards; S Fleming x2; SG Gedye; L Germon x2; S Gillespie; EJ Gray; SC Guillen x2; JW Guy; DR Hadlee x2; WA Hadlee x2; C Harris; RM Harris; M Hart; B Hartland; M Haslam; BF Hastings; JA Hayes x2 ; PA Horne; KW Hough; G Howarth; H J Howarth x 2; T Jarvis; AH Jones; R Kennedy; JL Kerr x 2 ; CM Kuggeljein x2; R Latham; I Leggatt; W Lees x2 ; GB Loveridge; P Mc Ewan; SN McGregor; TG McMahon; A MacGibbon; T Meale; EM Meuli; BD Milburn; FLH Mooney; RW Morgan; DK Morrison; JFM Morrison; D Murray; BAG Murray x2; D O'Sullivan; J Parker x2; AC Parore x2; D Patel; PJ Petherick; EC Petrie x2; R Petrie; WB Playle x2; V Pollard; MB Poore; C Pringle; GO Rabone; RE Redmond; JF Reid; JR Reid (1949); G Robertson; K Rutherford; RH Scott; M Shrimpton; B W Sinclair x2 ; ISD Smith; M Snedden; JT Sparling; C Spearman; GR Stead; D Stirling; M Su'a; B Taylor ; K Thomson; SA Thomson; EWT Tindill; G Troup; P Truscott; G Turner; R Twose; R Vance;G Vivian; M Wallace; K Walmesley; JT Ward; W Watson; MG Webb; JG Wright; B Yuile x2.
S Abid Ali; Ajay Sharma; M Armanath; SB Amarnath; PK Amre; S Ankola; AL Apte; ML Apte x 3 ; B Arun; BJ Kirti Azad; M Azharrudin x2 ; AA Baig; B Bedi; RMH Binnyx3 ; CG Borde; CPS Chauhan; HT Dani; Deepak Sharma; DR Doshi; RS Dravid; S Durani; F Engineer;DK Gaekwad; AD Gaekwad; HG Gaekwad; S Ganguly x3; SM Gavaskar x2; D Ghandi; KD Ghavri; CV Gopinath; MJ Gopalan; Gopal Sharma; Gurshuran Singh; Hanumant Singh; Harbajahn Singh; V Hazare; N Hirwani; AJ Jadeja; ML Jaisimha; K Jayantalil; SB Joshi; HS Kanitkar x2; Kapil Dev x2 ; A Kapoor; S Kariem; S Kirmani; R Kulkarni; UN Kulkarni; A Kumble; BK Kunderan; V V S Laxman; Madan Lal; A Malhotra; Maninder Singh; SV Manjrekar x2 ; MK Mantri; Maqsood Ahmed; P Mhambrey; D Mohanty; A Mongia; K More x 3 ;Nawab of Pataudi; MV Narasimha Rao; SV Nayak; M Nayar; CS Nayudu; DD Parsana; B P Patel; MM Patel; R Patel; S Patil; M Prabhakar x2; V Prasad; L Rajput; WV Raman; GS Ramchand; VB Ranjane; V Rathore x2; V Raju x3; B Reddy; MR Rege; Pankaj Roy; Pranab Roy; BH Sandhu; R Saxena; A Sharma; G Sharma; S Sharma; R Shastri x 3; R Shukla; AS Sidhu; Robin Singh x2; RP Singh; L Sivaramakrishnan;MM Sood; I Srikkanth; R Surti; J Srinath; TE Srinivasan x2; V Subramanya; GR Sunderam; PR Umrigar; A Wassan; D Vengsarkar x2; S Venkataraghavan; G Viswanath; S Yadav x2; J Yajurvindra Singh;Yograv Singh; Zulfiqar Ahmed.
Aamer Malik x2; Aamir Nazir; Aamir Sohail; Aaqib Javed; Abdul Kadir; Abdul Qadir x2; Aftab Baloch; Akram Raza; Alimuddin; Anil Dalpak; Anwar Khan; Arshad Khan; Ashraf Ali x2; Asif Masood; Asif Mujtaba x2; Ata-Ur-Rehman; Azeem Hafeez; Azmat Rana; A D'Souza; Ehtesham-ud-Din; Farooq Hamid; Farrukh Zaman; Fazal Mahmood; MEZ Ghazali;Ghulam Ali (1-day); Hanif Mohammad; Haroon Rashid x 3; Haseeb Afsan; Hassan Raza x3; K Ibadulla; Ijaz Ahmed (Jr); Ijaz Fakir x2; Imran Khan x 3; Imtiaz Ali; Imtiaz Ahmed; Intikhab Alam x2; Inzaman ul Haq x 2; Iqbal Qasim; Iqbal Sikander; Javed Burki; Javed Miandad x2; Kabir Khan; Kamran Akmal; Khan Mohammad; Majid Khan x2 ; Maqsood Rana x2 ; Mahmood Hussain; Masood Anwar; Misbah Ul Haq; Mohammad Akram; Mohammad Ilyas x2 ; Mohammad Munaf x2; Mohammad Nazir (Jnr ); Mohsin Kamal; Moin Khan x2; Moin Ul Atiq x2; Mudassar Nazar (jnr); Muhammad Zahid; Mustaq Mohammad x2; Nadeem Ghauri x 2; Naveed Anjum; Nazim-ul-Ghani; Qasim Omar x2; Rameez Raja x 3; Rashid Khan; Rashid Latief x3; Razdan; Rizwan-uz-Zaman x 3; Sadiq Mohammad; Saeed Anwar x2; Safraz Nawaz; Sajid Ali x3 ; Salahuddin x2; Saleem Yousef x3; Salim Jaffer x2; Salim Malik; Shadab Kabir x 3; Shahid Maboob; Shahid Nazir x 3; Shahid Saeed; Shakeel Ahmed x2; D Sharpe; Shoabib Mohammad x 3; Shuja-ud-Din; Sikander Bakht; Tahir Naqqash; Tahvir Mehdi; Tauseef Ahmed; Waqar Hassan; Wasim Akram x3; Wasim Bari; Wasim Haider; Wasim Raja; Wazir Mohammad x 3; Younis Ahmed; Zaheer Abbas x2; Zahid Fazal; Zahoor Elahi; Zakir Khan x2
K Amalean; SD Anurasiri x2 ; M Atapattu x2 ; G de Alwis; ALF de Mel; Aravinda de Silva; Asoka de Silva x2 ; S De Silva; R Dias; K Dharmasena x2 ; A Dunasinghe; S Fernando; HM Goonatillake; Y Goonasekera; AP Gurusinghe;C Haturusinghe; RSA Jayasekera; ST Jayasuriya x 3; V John (real name JVB Jeyarajasingham); RS Kalpage;R Kaluwitheranex2; SMS Kaluperuma; B Kuruppu;K Kuruppuarachchi; RS Madugalle x2 ; AR Madurasinghe x2 ; M A W R Madurusinghe; R Mahanama; MMuralitheran x3; E Pushpakumra; R Radujarai x2; HCP Ramanayake x2 ; AN Ranasinghe; A Ranatunga; D Ranatunga x2 ; S Ranatunga; R Ratanyake; JR Ratnayeke x2; D Samaraweera; A Samaraskera; A Silva x2; SAR Silva x2; H Tillekeratne x 2; E Upashanha x 4; UCJ Vaas; B Warnapura; KPJ Warnaweera; R Wijegnawardena x3 ; S Weerasinghe; G Wickramasinghe x3 ; PK Wijetunge.
D Arnott; A Blignaut; D Brain; E Brandes x 4; G Bruk-Jackson x2 ; I Buchart x 4; A Campbell x2; S Carlisle x 6; MH Dekker; A Flower x3; G Flower x 2; C Evans x 3; D Houghton x2 ; W James; M Jarvis x2; D Marillier; H Masakadza; E Matambanazo x2; M Mbangwa x2; B Murphy; D Mutendura; G Paterson; S Peale; R Price; A Pycroft; U Ranchod; G Rennie x5; J Rennie x2; Ali Shah; B Strang; PA Strang x 3; D Viljoen x3; A Waller; A Whittall x4; G Whittall x 5; C Wishart x3
Al-Shahriar Rokon; Alok Kapali; Habibul Bashar; Javed Omar; Hannan Sarkar; Khaled Mashud; Khaled Mahmud; Manjural Islam; Mohammed Rafique; Tapash Baisya; Rafiqal Islam; Sanwar Hossain; Tushar Imran; Tulhar Jubair; Anwar Hossain;
Letter dated 1980 signed by I J Siedle (South Africa) in ink (died 1982) full clean signature $ 45
Collectors' Item
Don Bradman in action on Australian silver coin 2 @ $ 45 each
ICC World Cup 2003 (unsigned) $ 16
Bangladesh touring team in South Africa 2002-03 all players signed $ 30
Eastern Cape franchise signed on front $ 300
World Cup programme 2003 SA v Windies (opening match) $ 6
World Cup programme 2003 England v Holland $ 6
World Cup programme 2003 SA v Canada $ 6
Rhodesia v Transvaal Currie Cup scorecard (excellent condition) 7-9 April, 1928, unsigned $ 15
Bulawayo v Salisbury scorecard, excellent condition 28.29 December 1940. $ 15
Scorecard North v South (Rhodesias) all scores written in ink: 2/3 November, 1946. Good condition $ 15
Western Province v Transvaal 1985-86, 4-page light board scorecard signed by all players including Sylvester Clarke (deceased). $ 25
Western Province (two) teamsheets early 1980s with late Stuart Leary $ 15
World Cup 2003 Pakistan $ 20
World Cup 2003 Bangladesh $ 20
Zimbabwe to Australia 2003 $ 45 ( Zimbabwe last series with all the rebel player's )
India to Australia 2003/04 (missing Ganguly) $ 20
All $ 15 (except last item)
Datsun tie (South African one -day competition 1980s)
Zimbabwe Test tie
South Africa v West Indies 2003-04 limited-overs sponsor's tie
South Aftrica v West Indies 1998-99 limited-overs sponsor's tie
Benson & Hedges tie with South African provincial logos
South Africa v England 1999-2000 limited-overs tie
SuperSport (South African first-class sponsors)
Springbok tie $ 40
South African Cricket Annual full set 1951-52 to 2003 (for full set) $ 650
Individual annuals on request.
Caught by the Springboks by Jack Cheetham (signed by author) $ 18
Signed photo large colour signed framed SV Manjrekar (India) $ 15
Signed pic Peter van der Merwe (SA) large framed. $ 15
Postcard Southern Rhodesia with 2 x half-penny stamps dated 12.12.1930 congratulating Rhodesian player on invitation to South African Test trial. $ 15
Surrey Cricket Club membership for Springbok 1935 tour. Embossed with Surrey logo. $ 40