International Captain
CWXI Football
Well things are moving pretty quickly and in order to fully gauge the interest we need people to sign up. This is the information we'll use for the league. Basically if we get enough interest the idea is to start off as a domestic league with a number of foreign players to assure a decent number of teams. Then as things progress we can make full use of our international status in the Oceanian confederation and play some internationals.
Aggression does not count as a skill points so choose any number between 1 and 100. Aggression means you will go in for more challenges but also go in harder. Be careful, if your tackling is poor you might see alot of reds. If your tackling is good you might make alot of crucial tackles. Basically, choose wisely.
You need to put atleast 1 skill point for each attribute, even keeping (just put it as 1).
Basically the following is how you can assign skill points (EXCLUDING AGGRESSION) based on your age:
IF AGE IS 17-19 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 40, Maximum of any ONE skill = 30
IF AGE IS 20-22 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 45, Maxiumum of any ONE skill = 35
IF AGE IS 23-26 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 50, Maximum of any ONE skill = 40
IF AGE IS 27-28 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 55, Maximum of any ONE skill = 45
IF AGE IS 17-19 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 40, Maximum of any ONE skill = 36
IF AGE IS 20-22 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 45, Maxiumum of any ONE skill = 41
IF AGE IS 23-26 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 50, Maximum of any ONE skill = 46
IF AGE IS 27-28 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 55, Maximum of any ONE skill = 51
There are no positions in ESMS, it will be up to your captain, coach, selector, manager etc. to pick where you play (or even you, we don't mind people requesting transfers to play in a different position
). So choose a "skill set" based on the position you wish to play or simply be an "all-rounder". In order to be classed as a keeper though you need to have atleast 25 points devoted to keeping.
Anyway, signing up:
Forum Name:
Goal Keeping Skill:
What it looks like?
Basically, younger players will "train" faster and gain more skill points for things like a goal, assist, tackle or even a pass. However it will take some time and we fully expect the national team (when it comes to fruition) to be dominated by older players early on. It is highly likely that the younger players will all become better than the older one's but it will take a while and if things get out of hand (which won't happen internationally, but domestically it might) we can "factor in" experience.
If possible sign up for your real age. If you're too old or young then just go to the youngest or highest.
Any questions, fire away. Get them signups coming in
Well things are moving pretty quickly and in order to fully gauge the interest we need people to sign up. This is the information we'll use for the league. Basically if we get enough interest the idea is to start off as a domestic league with a number of foreign players to assure a decent number of teams. Then as things progress we can make full use of our international status in the Oceanian confederation and play some internationals.
Aggression does not count as a skill points so choose any number between 1 and 100. Aggression means you will go in for more challenges but also go in harder. Be careful, if your tackling is poor you might see alot of reds. If your tackling is good you might make alot of crucial tackles. Basically, choose wisely.
You need to put atleast 1 skill point for each attribute, even keeping (just put it as 1).
Basically the following is how you can assign skill points (EXCLUDING AGGRESSION) based on your age:
IF AGE IS 17-19 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 40, Maximum of any ONE skill = 30
IF AGE IS 20-22 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 45, Maxiumum of any ONE skill = 35
IF AGE IS 23-26 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 50, Maximum of any ONE skill = 40
IF AGE IS 27-28 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 55, Maximum of any ONE skill = 45
IF AGE IS 17-19 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 40, Maximum of any ONE skill = 36
IF AGE IS 20-22 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 45, Maxiumum of any ONE skill = 41
IF AGE IS 23-26 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 50, Maximum of any ONE skill = 46
IF AGE IS 27-28 YEARS: Total Skill Points = 55, Maximum of any ONE skill = 51
There are no positions in ESMS, it will be up to your captain, coach, selector, manager etc. to pick where you play (or even you, we don't mind people requesting transfers to play in a different position

Anyway, signing up:
Forum Name:
Goal Keeping Skill:
What it looks like?
Name Age Nat St Tk Ps Sh Ag KAb TAb PAb SAb Gam Sav Ktk Kps Sht Gls Assi DP Inj Sus
Ronaldinho 26 BRA 1 29 92 82 61 300 300 300 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
If possible sign up for your real age. If you're too old or young then just go to the youngest or highest.
Any questions, fire away. Get them signups coming in

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