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Search results

  1. listento_me

    Shafiq and Pak's Unbeaten Streak

    Back. And no idea what the ban was for? I guess I offended some Indians on here? Bunch of cry babies anyway. I guess they can go back to worshiping cows or something :)
  2. listento_me

    ***Official*** England in India 2016/17

    When did I say that? I'm saying the holiday season is excessive, a period of 25 days between tests/ODIs with the excuse being that this is the Christmas break. I've never heard of someone getting 25 day breaks for religious holidays, in sports or otherwise. It does however become even more...
  3. listento_me

    good stuff

    good stuff
  4. listento_me

    ***Official*** Pakistan in Australia 2016/17

    Surely Azhar Ali has been better than Warner? I mean in terms of the time period that the vote is looking at (a calendar year of 2016 not the sept to sept of teh icc awards). In fact, it's a no contest in the Ali v Warner debate. Cook can be in with a shout and surprisingly, KB too.
  5. listento_me

    T20 - Changes Needed

    I honestly don't believe there need to be any rule changes to the format. What needs to change is the quality of wickets. T20 was built as a batsman's game because the ICC believes new fans arrive to watch batsmen, which is the case in a handful of matches if the likes of Gale, Afridi, KP...
  6. listento_me

    Shafiq and Pak's Unbeaten Streak

    The lad gets another 50 and shores up the middle/lower order....yet again.
  7. listento_me

    Also, for each category, number your nominations from 1 to 5, with the number one getting 5...

    Also, for each category, number your nominations from 1 to 5, with the number one getting 5 points and so on. Whoever gets the most points for each category will win the award and ofc, if there are any ties, we will all discuss them on here and come to a conclusion. I'm looking to post up the...
  8. listento_me

    You can just post it as a visitor message. I'm likely going to wait till the end of the 2 boxing...

    You can just post it as a visitor message. I'm likely going to wait till the end of the 2 boxing day tests. Also, for each category, number your nominations from 1 to 5, with the number one getting 5 points and so on. Whoever gets the most points for each category will win the award and ofc...
  9. listento_me

    ***Official*** Pakistan in Australia 2016/17

    who would have thought that rain would mess up 2 days of play in Australia? Damn you aussies and your dirty tactics!
  10. listento_me

    ***Official*** Pakistan in Australia 2016/17

    Lyon got one to fizz but it was hardly THAT much spin, Aslam played it all wrong. But the openers have done their job and gotten through any possible early pace and swing. Not much in the pitch. If the Pak batsmen can't score here there's a serious problem. Just need to keep their heads and...
  11. listento_me

    ***Official*** England in India 2016/17

    I read it was 2 weeks...25 days is just taking the piss. All these smart arses with their "I'm taking 18 days off!" but really are counting annual leave days can't even match the 25 days given to the English lads. Na, that's plain stupid. I reckon other teams should start pushing for...
  12. listento_me

    ***Official*** England in India 2016/17

    Yeah I get that but taking annual leave days is different from having days off. Why are you counting weekends? lol And of course, 4 public holidays (Monday and Tuesday are none working days in the UK too...apart from shops obviously) so really you're taking your annual leave days. That's fine...
  13. listento_me

    ***Official*** Pakistan in Australia 2016/17

    Groundsman saying it will likely just be passing showers.
  14. listento_me

    The ATG Teams General arguing/discussing thread

    Name me 5 keepers from England with more dismissals than him. :)
  15. listento_me

    Your countries worst XI this century

    Ali has hit 4 centuries, 5 50s, scored over a 1000 runs and managed an average of 46 or so this year. Two of those centuries have come at 7...7 man. The guy is damn talented, stylish, has flair and can only get better as a batsman (is already deserving of a slot at 4 or 5) but he can also win...
  16. listento_me

    Your countries worst XI this century

    I've just realised a lot of England's worst XI players would come from a time in the mid to late 90s and early 00s, who were all talented but never persevered with like latter day players have been (Bell springs to mind as someone who was a good bat with a lot of media backing and given an...
  17. listento_me

    Your Greatest "5 year Peak" Test XI (post 1970)

    I think, based on what I've read here Khan walks in as the all rounder, Botham too is you want two of them and Marshall, Warne to beef up the bowling. Sachin, Yousuf and Sanga with the bat. Thing is, you can pick just about any great cricketer from 1970 on wards and they will have had a period...
  18. listento_me

    Your Greatest "5 year Peak" Test XI (post 1970)

    That's 6 years mate. 2009-2015 lol
  19. listento_me

    Boxing thread

    Parker is from NZ...you know that country not too far from yours? Yeah, the whole drug testing situation and who gets caught and who gets saved is very dodgy. The situation with May was terrible.
  20. listento_me

    ***Official*** England in India 2016/17

    That's weird, where do you work? If it's a government department I would understand, although 10 is a bit much. Especially considering people I know who work in say, the DWP are having 7 days off, not 10. In the private sector, it's 4 days (the weekend ofc and then boxing day and the day after...
