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  • Hi Teuton, I noticed that one guy voted for 3 teams in the thread couple of days ago but he did not pick. Must be from Mobile. How will his vote be counted? Thank you.
    Okay so I can pick from PREVIOUS Nexts set by other Drafters. Does that mean I can pick from any of the game that has not been used thrice?
    Hey bro, just thought I'd let you know I'm thinking about expanding the sim league to a 13-team comp. I'm in the middle of databasing and have noticed there is still a large group of unselected quality players which could make for a rather competitive World XI side. If you'd like to make a late entry into the league and manage the World XI I'll message you a shortlist of the best available players. It'd be great to have you aboard.
    No worries mate. If you fancy either NZ or Pakistan feel free let us know in the thread.
    Hey mate, got a coupla slots open still in the new sim league if you're keen on another go-around
    mate why is Brendan taylor classified as a MOB? Im pretty sure he kept wickets in the last ODIs he played for Zimbos
    Hey Teuton, w&r will time out in less than 90 minutes. Please pick Kusal Mendis for me when it's my turn.
    Are we open for any suggestions?The best is to create a squad of XV and to allocate all 15 players' points and doing only one mini draft for the year at the halfway point of the year.Maybe we can add additional points for 100s and Fifers.
    Hi - I'll be away from the forum until Thursday: if it's my pick, I'll pick the first of Ambrose, Holding, Botham, Donald that's still available.
    Afghanistan is set to tour west Indies in June. While the fixtures are not out yet the news is everywhere including ICC and Afghanistan cricket website.
    hey i'm on year twelve exams at the moment so i'll just slip this here

    i'm going to sack dre russ and imrul kayes, cheers
    I've got a few requests like this lately, but I haven't had the time to do much about it as I've been in the process of moving house. I've moved in now though (as of yesterday) so I certainly plan on a update soon, and I'll be looking at have an auto-update as well as a part of that.

    Thanks for the interest and kind words!
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