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  • Hey SJS!

    Great to hear from you!

    The photography is going slowly at the moment. I've got a 3 and a half year old to look after, so I don't have a lot of time to take shots of anything other than him. It's given me a chance to practice my people/toddler photography though, which is good. He's at an age where he'll run off or try to avoid the camera, so I get to practice shots of fast moving objects too haha

    I have gone back to the "Hear, Hear" page semi-regularly myself, although I haven't been back here for a while. Whenever I remember to duck in and have a look, I end up reading through everything that was posted again. It was great fun, and I always think it would be good to add something else, but I doubt it would be the same without the same people around to work on it with.

    How's everything with you at the moment? I would love to swap photography notes with you sometime. I think you'll have a lot more to share than I though.

    Take care!
    Hey mate, I'm looking at running a Battle of the Members thing and noticed you've abstained from the competition in the past. Just wanted to check if you wanted to continue to abstain this year. If you don't get back to me, I will assume you don't want to take part.

    You should join cricsim and then instantly weep for humanity upon seeing what cricsim has to offer.
    Hi sjs I'm sending u this message due to your great knowledge of cricket. I spend a long time saving up for a good cricket bat when did get the money I bought myself a good gray Nichols bat. 2 days ago I was swinging in around the house and accidentally hit the corner of a chair which made a dent on the front end of the bat so to get rid of the dent I banged the bat furiously with a metal hammer not realizing the horrible mistake I had made, the dent has gotten much smaller but now there are uneven bumps all over the bat. Please help me fix this I don't have the money to buy another good bat, thanks in advance.
    Sir jee, have read a lot of your posts and it was always an immense pleasure. You are pretty knowledgeable about Indian players (among others) from the 60s and the 70s.

    We were discussing great players of spin bowling and I mentioned Dilip Sardesai there. Can you share some thoughts on that? Thanks in advance.
    some great shots there. i do need to read some reviews about the 7D first before I order it though!
    hey mate. how's your 7D travelling for you? Thinking of investing soon because I've just ordered a fancy news lens!
    Hi SJS, just wondering if you're free to have a chat. Just like to pick your brains about some camera questions :)
    Hi SJS, not sure if you come here anymore but was wondering if you could spare a few seconds to complete my survey. Would be much appreciated.

    Monash University Survey | Qualtrics Survey Software
    Thank you very kindly, very glad to hear it. No, sadly I don't know of any way to deal with that issue promptly, it is not within the scope of my Berita powers.
    It looks like I can't change it:/

    I think we need stats spider access for that, which I think only James himself can do, or perhaps Dave
    I have access to most things in Berita - I will have a fiddle round and see what I can do
    Hello there, I was wondering if you were still interested in doing player profiles for us? You gave me your Vijay Hazare one, which was fab, but I've still not heard from you on the matter since. I do hope you're still interested as your insight into Indians and Pakistanis of the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s is matchless of those we have available to us.
    Head on over the CWXI forums mate, made some runs for Red in one of our warm-up matches :)
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