Being old enough to be regarded as a "Grumpy Old Man", I'm going to indulge in my usual rant when it comes to the Olympics.
The Olympic motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius" (Faster, Higher, Stronger) has, for too long, been sullied by the inclusion of sports that are judged purely on subjective observations. I can live with Gymnastics ... but not the Rhythmic version with pre-pubescent young things prancing around with ribbons, hoops and balls.
Diving seems often to be judged on where you are from/who you are rather than purely on actual performance.
Synchronised swimming? What a joke!
And now we add skateboarding and surfing to the events to be judged. At least rock climbing can be a race.
Continuing my usual gripe, why are tennis and golf included? Surely these sports have their Majors.
And what about football? FIFA have restricted participation of elite players in the men's tournament in various ways. Currently squads for the men's tournament are required to be composed of players under 23 years of age, with three permitted exceptions. If it's good enough for one sport to have restrictions, why not apply it to others such as basketball.
Finally, the media's fascination with medal tallies annoys me. How can you compare numbers of medals when, in some sports, competitors can walk away with a swag of medals (swimming, gymnastics for example) whilst an elite in, say, athletics might only have a couple of events plus, if they're lucky, a relay in which to compete.
I feel better now.