The point is that the UDRS system implementation has not been able to offer a solution the most basic issues despite being in the use for a while now. I am not sure how BCCI comes into the picture here, because whether they like it or not, the system is in use and the issues have not resolved. BCCI may be backward but their stance was justified again.
A half baked implementation of technology is just money and time wasted.
I don't think it's half-baked, though. It's done pretty much what it set out to do and that is to eradicate
really bad decisions and I personally can see how much better decision-making in general has become, not to mention how many times it's backed up the umpires' instincts.
Been watching cricket for a while now and I do remember just how many shockers there were until this came along. There used to be multiple bad decisions per Test/ODI which fans could rage about now there's bugger-all. We only don't remember them because they were pegged as 'benefit of the doubt/umpire couldn't have given that out', now, apparently, they're 'blatantly out/not-out'. For me, URDS been entirely positive. It's not perfect, of course, but it probably never will because a lot of it comes down to interpretation of the laws rather than a strictly technological limitations.
Take one example, HotSpot. Now, they're uncooled IR cameras. Relatively low-res and I don't think they pick up all edges. Now the BCCI might say that the system should be using the best available tech or not at all, etc. but that runs contrary to the way things are implemented, tested and refined. Even the low-res cameras are freaking expensive and no-one would be stupid enough to invest money in making the existing better, let alone putting up the $ to buy cooled cams if we lived in the BCCI's world and weren't even sure they were to be used anyway (even the cooled cams have limitations). Need to walk before you can run so the existing cams need to be used and proven to work in most cases before any further investment in time or money can be courted to refine them.
For mine, the BCCI's stance has definitely not been justified at all. If they were arguing only for changes, suggesting ways to fix the issues it has, etc., fair enough but they're arguing not to use it at all until it's mistake-free. Don't agree with that and I don't think it's been a haphazard introduction at all, just imperfect. Sometimes you have to just suck it and see.