The Wheel is Forever
When you say 'other bodies in cricket' - what exactly are we talking about here? Let's be specific, and get it out on the table. It's certainly not the ECB, ACB or the NZC - which is the issue. Do you think such a lack of transparency would be tolerated from a non-profit in any of those countries? All the other boards that are 'just as bad' are all on the same side - something which is not a coincidence and that is only peripherally related to race. And amongst them, BCCI is the only one with real power, so it's natural that it's going to be the target. Everyone knows Zimbabwe is corrupt, but they have no real power. The issue is putting corruption and hypocrisy on the international stage, masquerading as some sort of nationalism or issue about racism and post-colonial angst.As I said, if SS is this strong aboout the other bodies in cricket and the other sports bodies in India, he would have something.
Secondly, I do not know nor care about any other sports in India, but I bet none of them have the income or the power of BCCI on the international stage. BCCI, with their power, are not content simply sabotaging the future of their own country, they are spilling their petty incompetence onto the world stage.
The fact is that if any legitimate body was found to be as corrupt as BCCI, they would have no credibility left on any issue, let alone issues directly related to their corruption. It's a sad story that people just don't laugh in BCCI's face when stories about hundreds of thousands of dollars in hotel bills are out in the open on one hand, and they crow about having 'proper cricket administrative experience' on the other. Maybe Howard hasn't figured out how to properly pay for ****** services, coke and four seasons hotel rooms while paying a pittance to the actual players and/or investments in infrastructure, but I'm sure with the proper BCCI guidance, he'll learn.
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