Conn is really bad, let's move that out of the way from the start.
Regarding Haigh, it would be akin to me saying that you're a poor poster because I vehemently disagree with almost everything you post on these type of issues. But I don't think that, and respect your posts even though I think you're wrong almost all of the time.
I have around 10 books of Haigh's on my bookshelf. He is one of the best writers I've come across, certainly one of the best cricket writers out there. To give a bit of context he's traditionally been quite critical of boards, for example he rips the Australian board of the early 1910s a new one for their treatment of the
Big Six. My long winded point is just because he falls on the opposite side of the debate as you at the moment shouldn't make him an "idiot" or a "poor writer" and I hope public cricketing discussion can move past that sort of stuff.