EXCELLENT post, Oitoitoi!
I've had similar experiences and, without knowing anything about you except that post, I think I'm in a pretty similar boat.
For once, I'm in complete agreement with Scaly, too.
I've not got the time to collate my thoughts and write a proper email on the matters discussed, unfortunately. Hopefully later!
I think Freddie's comments are unfortunate. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, esp. with that "rap music" comment, which I think was probably something of a misquote -- he may not have meant that completely seriously, in the same way that, when I know I'm not quite nailing my thoughts on something, I'll say something that's close enough and shrug meaningfully. Unfortunately shrugs, meaningful or otherwise, don't come across well in print.
Spending what seems like an eternity on the phone to Sky Broadband over the last few weeks has just reinforced my hatred of Indian call centres. Despite 14 years in the grim and frozen North, I still have a generic home counties accent, not particularly strong in any direction, and probably as close to "standard" English as you're going to get. Yet I still have difficulty getting my point across to people who are clearly employed to give standard answers to standard questions.
I wouldn't mind so much if only they could get my name right -- I can understand most Geordies/Scots/whatever having trouble with "Mahinda", but surely the average resident of Bangalore would have come across the name, or a variant of it?!