Low lifers , having stupid fantasies , having no respect for the women , social monsters , extremely ugly headed , often jobless, chances are that they have addictions , people who think they are there to rule the women , having no basic family training , people who are mis-lead by the media , @%% holes , one's who cannot win a simple heart of a good woman , jerks , retards , rejects of the decent society , people who are just plain jealous , third grade citizens ,people who are fed by mullahs , people who have mental disorders , the ones who just can't help continuously peeping at the women , clowns , people who wanna impress by being a stupid show off , people who are suppressed by the families and the society , people who like to whistle whenever a female appears on the movie screen , people who have mental disorders , pricks , people who cannot live decently , people who don't show respect to others , potential thieves , potential bombers , tender minded jerks who can be mis lead easily by the !@#$in mullahs to finish their already low - life by finishing it off instantly , people who upon having a family dispute blame America for that too , the black sheeps who love to see strikes and the ones who like to damage the shops due to jealousy , people who can't see any person having fun and the people who want to make their face appear on tv while being a part of a violent religious rally etc etc etc ... Proper education and a sane media are extremely good remedies ...........