Neil Pickup
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1. Download convdb.exe
2. Unzip this file
3. Copy the unzipped file into the folder you have installed ICC in (most likely to be C:\Program Files\Empire Interactive\International Cricket Captain 2002)
4. Download and
5. Copy these two files into the directory C:\Windows\System32\
6. Download Magpie
7a. Copy magpie.exe from the folder you downloaded it into
7b. Open the folder you have installed ICC in (should be C:\Program Files\Empire Interactive\International Cricket Captain 2002)
7c. Paste magpie.exe into this folder.
8. Find the MS DOS Prompt (Start Menu -> Run -> cmd on Windows XP)
9. Change to your ICC directory. If you're having trouble, this can be done via the following commands (so long as ICC is installed in the default location):
9a. cd\
9b. cd progra~1
9c. cd empire~1
9d. cd intern~1
10. Decrypt team data - Type convdb -d datap.db datap.db1
10a. If you already have a decrypted datap, make sure it's called datap.db1.
11. Decrypt player data- Type convdb -d datat.db datat.db1
11a. If you already have a decrypted datat, make sure it's called datat.db1
12. Start Magpie, don't close the MS DOS Prompt yet.
13. Click File -> Set ICC Location
13b. Select dataT.db in the ICC folder, and click OK.
14. Click File -> Open.
15. Begin editing at your heart's content.
16. Click update after you've finished editing a player/team/whatever.
17. When finished, click File -> Save.
18. Restore the MS DOS Prompt, make sure you are still in the ICC folder, and type convdb -e datap.db1 datap.db (to re-encrypt the team data).
19. Followed by convdb -e datat.db1 datat.db, to re-encrypt the player data.
20. Run ICC
2. Unzip this file
3. Copy the unzipped file into the folder you have installed ICC in (most likely to be C:\Program Files\Empire Interactive\International Cricket Captain 2002)
4. Download and
5. Copy these two files into the directory C:\Windows\System32\
6. Download Magpie
7a. Copy magpie.exe from the folder you downloaded it into
7b. Open the folder you have installed ICC in (should be C:\Program Files\Empire Interactive\International Cricket Captain 2002)
7c. Paste magpie.exe into this folder.
8. Find the MS DOS Prompt (Start Menu -> Run -> cmd on Windows XP)

9. Change to your ICC directory. If you're having trouble, this can be done via the following commands (so long as ICC is installed in the default location):
9a. cd\
9b. cd progra~1
9c. cd empire~1
9d. cd intern~1

10. Decrypt team data - Type convdb -d datap.db datap.db1
10a. If you already have a decrypted datap, make sure it's called datap.db1.
11. Decrypt player data- Type convdb -d datat.db datat.db1
11a. If you already have a decrypted datat, make sure it's called datat.db1

12. Start Magpie, don't close the MS DOS Prompt yet.
13. Click File -> Set ICC Location
13b. Select dataT.db in the ICC folder, and click OK.

14. Click File -> Open.
15. Begin editing at your heart's content.
16. Click update after you've finished editing a player/team/whatever.
17. When finished, click File -> Save.
18. Restore the MS DOS Prompt, make sure you are still in the ICC folder, and type convdb -e datap.db1 datap.db (to re-encrypt the team data).
19. Followed by convdb -e datat.db1 datat.db, to re-encrypt the player data.

20. Run ICC
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