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We're going to start off with SGD 20 (USD ~16) in a bet365 account. Any profits made by the end of a certain period (tbd) will be donated to a charity (tbd), while the initial $20 will either kickstart a new round of this or return to my pocket, subject to how close I am to being out on the streets.
We will only be betting on cricket.
How we're going to decide what to bet on is basically by a simple voting system. I'll try to get odds and options up at least a day before a match starts, and once there are enough votes I'll proceed to place the bet. Besides that anyone can propose a bet e.g. Player X top scorer, Player Y motm, etc etc and we can all vote for it if it sounds good.
The amounts to bet are something I haven't quite thought too much about yet, but for now it's just going to be $2 on every bet. Thoughts and suggestions needed.
If this fails the thread can always be used to discuss betting anyways.
We will only be betting on cricket.
How we're going to decide what to bet on is basically by a simple voting system. I'll try to get odds and options up at least a day before a match starts, and once there are enough votes I'll proceed to place the bet. Besides that anyone can propose a bet e.g. Player X top scorer, Player Y motm, etc etc and we can all vote for it if it sounds good.
The amounts to bet are something I haven't quite thought too much about yet, but for now it's just going to be $2 on every bet. Thoughts and suggestions needed.
If this fails the thread can always be used to discuss betting anyways.