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Sky Sports Music


Cricket Spectator
Hello there, first post, whoop!

Im trying to track down the name of the music used by Sky Sports when they are showing the scoreboards at the end of each session (certainly during the SA matches and i think during the NZ ones too!). They also seem to use it most of the time they go to ad breaks when there is no cricket taking place (start/end of the day etc!)

Does anyone know what it is or, if not, have a video clip somewhere that has the audio in, i know a forum thats pretty good for naming music such as this!

Go freddie ;)



Norwood's on Fire
Can't help you, but you said go freddie in your first post, so I like you. Welcome to CW :)


Cricket Spectator
Well, sadly i was at work for the evening session, kept popping onto the computer to check cricinfo and saw that it must have been a blast to watch. Shame really :(


Cricketer Of The Year
Hello there, first post, whoop!

Im trying to track down the name of the music used by Sky Sports when they are showing the scoreboards at the end of each session (certainly during the SA matches and i think during the NZ ones too!). They also seem to use it most of the time they go to ad breaks when there is no cricket taking place (start/end of the day etc!)

Does anyone know what it is or, if not, have a video clip somewhere that has the audio in, i know a forum thats pretty good for naming music such as this!

Go freddie ;)

If it's the piece of music I'm thinking of, it's a hideous operatic version of 10cc's ever-naff "I don't like cricket".


Norwood's on Fire
I was going to say that but I don't think that's what he means, it's something else when the scoreboards are on


Cricket Spectator
No, not that (i have that, so i should no!)

That only seems to be used during the intro to the show!

You know when they go to adds and you see a little montage of clips from that session (which at the moment is lots of South African shots to the boundary and England players with hands on their heads!), the music is played then!

(and i dont mean Jeruselum either!)


Cricketer Of The Year
Dreadlock Holiday tbf.

God I hate that song, and I hate even more the way that Sky have taken it up as their cricket theme. Somehow, to me, it just shows that they lack feel for the game.

Soul Limbo for me every time


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God I hate that song, and I hate even more the way that Sky have taken it up as their cricket theme. Somehow, to me, it just shows that they lack feel for the game.

Soul Limbo for me every time
Soul limbo is fantastic, but it's slightly out of place for a 5-day test match. The music makes it sound like you're about to experience something wild, exciting and enthralling. And the next thing you hear is Nasser Hussain's voice.

The operatic crap, on the other hand, is a failed attempt to capture the drama of cricket. As is the faded red images of the players celebrating catches and the like. If the cheese is deliberate they should probably go all the way and make this their theme:



Cricketer Of The Year
Soul limbo is fantastic, but it's slightly out of place for a 5-day test match. The music makes it sound like you're about to experience something wild, exciting and enthralling. And the next thing you hear is Nasser Hussain's voice.

It's perfect for a 5-day Test match. You used to have that followed by Peter West and it was still perfect. And for all his faults, Nasser is no Peter West.

I'm not sure about it for TMS though. TMS never used to have any theme music, and Soul Limbo was purely for the telly. It feels a bit contrived on the radio.


Cricket Web Staff Member
Aye, Soul Limbo > all other pieces used in cricket. And that stupid, useless classical version of Dreadlock Holiday is shocking.

Can't think of what this new poster is talking of but I'll have a listen out and hopefully work it out with today's play.

I presume it's not the stuff used in the Brit Insurance trailer?

EDIT: nah I know the one you mean now. Not sure how easy it would be to find-out though - there's no lyrics. Which always makes it extremely difficult.


Cricket Spectator
Yeh thats what makes it difficult. Ive emailed Sky to ask but as yet to no avail!

However, as with most pieces of music in stuff like this, theres every chance that its a normal piece of music, with lyrics, with the lyrics removed by some hunky-dory program.

We shall see!


Request Your Custom Title Now!
While I love Soul Limbo, I think the Channel 9 music is every bit as special.

Richie Benaud sings it in the shower!


Cricket Web Staff Member
Yeh thats what makes it difficult. Ive emailed Sky to ask but as yet to no avail!

However, as with most pieces of music in stuff like this, theres every chance that its a normal piece of music, with lyrics, with the lyrics removed by some hunky-dory program.
Aye, I thought precisely that.

They've done that many times down the years. A couple I remember are the Why Did You Do It? thing from Lock Stock, and whatever that tune was that Nas sampled for Get Down.


Cricketer Of The Year
Aye, Soul Limbo > all other pieces used in cricket. And that stupid, useless classical version of Dreadlock Holiday is shocking.

Can't think of what this new poster is talking of but I'll have a listen out and hopefully work it out with today's play.

I presume it's not the stuff used in the Brit Insurance trailer?

EDIT: nah I know the one you mean now. Not sure how easy it would be to find-out though - there's no lyrics. Which always makes it extremely difficult.
If the clip is long enough (20 seconds or more) you can try using Shazam - you dial 2580 on your mobile, hold the phone up to the music and wait. After 20 seconds they will hang up automatically, and a few seconds later they text you the name of the tune if they can identify it


Cricket Web Staff Member
Haha, didn't think of that.

It'd be difficult to get something that long without anyone talking over it, mind.


Cricket Web Staff Member
Just so as you know, that version they used on Sky Sports in West Indies in '04 isn't the original version, it's a remix, though by who and of what name I know not.

Decent ch00n though.
