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The CWBCC has released the details of the new contract system to the press. The report details as follows: 1. Players will be assigned ratings values according to games-per-season. Ratings will be A (5 points), B (4), C (3), D (2) an E (1). Cost attached to each rating is stated in brackets. It should be noted that this is based on games played during the previous season rather than a restriction on how many games the player can play the next season. 2. Each club starts with 60 points and must sign all players within that limit. Note that rookies have a rating of 0 and are therefore free to sign. However, they will be the last players to be signed by clubs. Note that the incumbent club has first option on signing a player. If it is discovered that another team attempts to sign a player already attached to a club before that option is exercised, the CWBCC will issue a penalty of sorts. Once a player rejects a contract with the incumbent club, he/she is open to the rest of the market. 3. Each club may sign a maximum of 4 contracted players (3 central, 1 secondary) BUT also has the option of buying an option to sign another centrally contracted player. This option would see the club pay 5 points to be able to sign the player. Note that the club would be paying the 5-point fee to get the option, but then has to pay the actual signing fee (eg. to sign Mr. A, the cost would be 10 points in total). 4. Each team needs to sign at least 15 players within the 60-point margin. Once the 15 players have been met, rookies may be signed (more information on the process to sign rookies at a later date). 5. There is a standard signing-on fee of 5 points for captains. Therefore regardless of the rating of the player, he/she will be considered an A-rate player as captain. 6. For players rated A-C, a contract can be signed for a maximum of 5 seasons and the grading of that player will be fixed for those seasons. That is, it won't change every season even if the games-per-season number changes. If a player is signed as a C-player, he/she shall remain with that rating until the contract expires. For players rated D and E, a contract must be a maximum of 2 seasons long, but the fixed rating applies for that period. 7. If a contract ends, the grading of the player will be revised before the player signs a new contract with any other team. 8. If a contract is renewed (in order to get a different amount of contracted seasons) before the existing contract ends, the grading of the player will be revised. 9. For a contract to be renewed, both the player and the club would need to agree to the change in contract length. 10. A rookie can not be signed on a contract for longer than one season, as the grading would need to be assessed. This ensures that a club cannot sign a rookie long-term for no cost. 11. If a player is in breach of contract (refusing to play or attempting to leave club outside of a trade) he/she will have 3 points attached to his/her worth, meaning that a more expensive rating. The player would then be a more expensive commodity for another club to sign. 12. If a club is in breach of contract (by cancelling the contract prior to contract end without the agreement of the player) 15 points will be deducted from the team's FC standings and 5 from the OD standings. A list of player ratings will be released within the next half an hour. The above movement(s) will take effect immediately. |
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Updated April 25