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Zimbabwe’s ODI Batting Improvements


In the midst of what is only a few steps short of complete chaos at administration level, Zimbabwe has still managed to field a decent batting lineup.


A Tale of Two Tours


At the time of writing, it is uncertain whether Australia’s tour of Pakistan will go ahead, while Bangladesh’s tour Down Under has been postponed due to its clashing with the Beijing Olympics.


The Kolpak Effect


The decision to move to England and register as a non-overseas player is becoming increasingly frequent for the countries with such an agreement with the EU. So how is this effecting English cricket?


Tait – Gone But Not Forgotten


Shaun Tait was all set to be the new Brett Lee of the Australian side. Glenn McGrath had hung up his boots, and Lee was going to be busy trying to fill the huge-sized hole left by one of the best pacemen ever to have graced a cricket field. Australia needed someone with raw pace, who did not have to worry about being the best bowler in the side rather just had to be the fastest bowler in the side. Tait had the ability to be to Lee what Lee himself was to McGrath.


Comeback Player of the Year


The “Comeback player of the Year” is an award for a player that through injury, loss of form or other reasons fell from the limelight only to return to prominence with a bang in 2007.


Short or Long Term Plan to Fill Gilly


The Australian Cricket Team, in all forms of the game is bursting with both talent and experience. So one would assume the task of filling the vice captaincy role (made vacant by a retiring Adam Gilchrist) would be a no brainer.


Tendulkar genius on display once more


Many things came out of India’s Test series in Australia – they tend to when these countries meet, really. There was the usual mixture of the good, the bad and the ugly – and it is certainly the ugly that will linger longest in the memory, with the SCG Test and subsequent fallout placing a terrible stain (as well as strain) on the game.