
Clarrie Grimmett


There are a few names to conjure with for anyone who wants to nominate the finest Australian bowler of all time, and that of the subject of Martin’s latest feature is certainly one of them


The Return of the Duck – A Contrast in Fortunes

Guinness Glass

Lucky Eddie has finally left me in peace to watch a few hours of cricket. He’s getting on a bit in years now, and a couple of small shandies is about all it takes to render him non compost menthol. It’s been a while since we have spoken, but that’s not entirely my fault. He […]


What Happened Next?

2015 Cricket World Cup Logo

After a build-up that at times seemed as if it would take an eternity, the 2015 Cricket World Cup finally got underway to something of a false start, as New Zealand and Sri Lanka reached the 18-over mark in the opening fixture before realising that the tournament had begun, and they were not in fact […]