
Momentum Revisited


Here we take a look at previous Test series which were all-square going into the last, to see historically what has happened


Looking Forward – Yesterday and Today


The purpose of this article is to have a look at Laker’s approach in order to see just how accurate or otherwise his predictions were and then for the writer to try and project the game forward again, this time, less ambitiously, to 21 years hence.


One-off doesn’t mean random


OK, so we’ve come down to a nice’n’simple equation: there’s one Test remaining; if England win it, they win The Ashes; if they don’t win it, they lose them. So now’s the time to pick the best team, and hang the future.


Flintoff shows off his Koala box busting skills!


Freddy Flintoff shows off his skills in an amusing video for Puma’s new small, extra small and extra extra small koala box.

Flintoff explains the Australian Koala box is tough, tiny, and made of titanium to protect the Australians from “people like me”.

You can watch the video below.


Life After Flintoff


After the Ashes, England’s Test side will enter a new era, one where Andrew Flintoff in particular will need to be replaced. How should England balance their team without Flintoff, and who are the likely contenders to join the England squad in the future?


I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore…


Black Cap Peter McGlashan looks forward to his impending tour of Chennai, India, with the NZ ‘A’ team. He speaks of the likely encounters, gives an insight into his expectations and mentions his excitement for the opportunity to chat online with Cricket Web users in the coming weeks