Lancashire CCC On The Move?
Thursday, November 6 2003
Manchester City Council, Lancashire County Cricket Club and New East Manchester Ltd have agreed to work together to assess options for the potential of relocation of the club to East Manchester.
"We will be working jointly to determine whether such a move would be a viable option for the club, not just financially but in terms of providing a venue that will attract prestige competitions, maintain Manchester as a venue for International cricket and enhance attendance and membership in a modern, state-of-the-art stadium." - said a Lancashire CCC statement.
East Manchester's emergence as the City's and the Region's capital for sporting venues has been cemented with the success of the City of Manchester Stadium and its associated facilities at Sportcity which include the English Institute of Sport, Tennis Centre, National Squash Centre, National Cycling Centre and soon to be completed Regional Arena.
Relocation discussions are at the earliest stage. Following more detailed work into the feasibility of such a move. But fear not Lancashire Cricket Club members, "No decisions can or will be taken on this issue without the support and approval of the club's members," said a Lancashire CCC statement.
At present plans seem vague but it's believed that the new purpose built ground is believed to include a seating capacity of 30,000, that's a 30% increase on Old Trafford.
Lancashire chief executive Jim Cumbes told a local radio station "It's a bit early to say we're on our way but it is a serious proposition and we'd be daft not to look at it seriously.
Test cricket was first held at the venue in 1884 but the club has been threatened with losing Test matches after poor attendances in the last few years.
And plans to increase revenue through hosting music events have been hit by opposition from the local authority, Trafford Borough Council.
"We think we do well considering it's an old ground but there is an awful lot of neglect and an awful lot needs doing," Cumbes added.
"You could give us £10m today, we could spend it in a year and you wouldn't know where it had been spent."
"It's still an attractive ground, it's still got a great atmosphere, people still love Old Trafford but we're struggling to do what we need to do to upgrade it."
Posted by Richard