Carib Cup Strike!
Saturday, March 29 2003
There was no play on day 1 of either semi-final today in the Carib Cup competition. This was expected by even the most optimistic of cricket fans after the West Indies Players Association (WIPA) threatened to boycott the tournament until the resolution of an ongoing contract dispute. There is no word as yet as to when or whether the games will be rescheduled to.
Spokesperson Dinanath Ramnarine stated that the players are willing to take action during the upcoming Cable and Wireless home series, if contracts are not settled. As expected, the dispute originates with money. WIPA is asking for a greater salary for their players and the WICB, in massive debt has refused.
It is not my place to pass judgement on who is right and who is wrong in such a situation but I will state the obvious, it is not good for cricket. It is quite disturbing, the way that commercialism and money has taken over the sport. The true essence of the game has, at this point, all but slipped away. Admittedly, cricketers in most countries are underpaid, bar the odd star player.
If these 'negotiations' must occur, then they should be held in a civil manner and preferably be resolved as quickly as is possible. Otherwise it detracts from the gentleman's game that is cricket - the game I love.
Posted by Liam